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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst Hockey Equipment Ever

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i too was bit by the branches bug, and yes balsa wood or paper mache would be its compositional material, but damn it flexed when you wanted it too, was stiff when you needed and blew in to a million pieces on breakaways at the end of the game, using that stick was like sucking all the NO2 (nitrous/laughing gas) out of whipped cream containers, you were bubbly and giggling for about five minutes then reduced to a soundless whelp by the end of it.


That post is not only awesome - but spot on accurate!

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Bauer Turbo Hockey Skates

The boot was entirely plastic, I saw these skates break all the time after taking a slapper on the toe.....back in the day when I played Pee Wee.

It was funny as hell.

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Yes-I am reviving a four and three-quarters year old thread.

Anybody have pix of these things mentioned? What about additions to the list?

I know Douglas Defender shoulder pads are debated as far as being good or bad.

I think the Cooper XL7 has an odd appeal-so ugly but weirdly cool (in a nerdy way) at the same time. Like it or not, the lock flaps basically led the way towards the modern, tool-free adjustment helmets. Nobody on my teams would touch it with a ten foot pole. I had an XL-7 NOS that was stolen from my outdoor shed twenty-plus years ago!!!

The KOHO stick that was oval, painted dark blue and looked like it was wrapped in fibreglass tape would rate in the bad category for me. Except it was good for a injury-producing cross-check.

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Nice to know where your head is at.....

Not there any longer!

I will elaborate- when I was competitive, sometimes competitive nature gets in the way of ethical play, especially when there were people trying to take you out. That was well over twenty-five years ago.

When I got my first job and had a wife at home, that part went straight out the window. My main goal is to leave a game with the same number of teeth I arrived with, with no unnecessary bruises or stitches. And I expect everyone I play with to be as conscientious about not injuring others or themselves.

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Yes-I am reviving a four and three-quarters year old thread.

Anybody have pix of these things mentioned? What about additions to the list?

I know Douglas Defender shoulder pads are debated as far as being good or bad.

I think the Cooper XL7 has an odd appeal-so ugly but weirdly cool (in a nerdy way) at the same time. Like it or not, the lock flaps basically led the way towards the modern, tool-free adjustment helmets. Nobody on my teams would touch it with a ten foot pole. I had an XL-7 NOS that was stolen from my outdoor shed twenty-plus years ago!!!

The KOHO stick that was oval, painted dark blue and looked like it was wrapped in fibreglass tape would rate in the bad category for me. Except it was good for a injury-producing cross-check.

that Koho stick that was oval was either the XL1 (black and stiffest), xl3 (dark blue medium flex, or xl5 (also dark blue, most flexible). they then came out with a squared edge version called an XL Pro (dark blue but with white print not yellow like its oval brothers) that I am failry sure my dad still has in his basement. I rocked an XL3 before giving up on using it for consistent slapshots with it, although i probably never had a stick that my wrister was as accurate with.

the Cooper xl7 helmet itself wasn't a bad idea (just ugly in a pre Cascade kinda way), but its cage was, you could hit it hard enough staright forward and jam it into the wearer's face.

the first generation Nike skates have to be up there (the white/black ones). Half the NHLers endorsing them gave them up before the season got to Christmas that year and walked away from the money back when they were only moderately overpaid and endorsements were rare.

Micron Medalic skates...is it a stiched skate or a molded skate hard to tell?

the original clear Tuuks like the ones that came on Daoust 301 Nationals. You looked at them cross eyed and they would crack. However you then became a bit of an equipment bad ass if you rocked a pair of skates with one clear Tuuk (since it hadn't broke (yet)) and one black Tuuk (because you couldn't get clear Tuuk holders fast enough and, well, white Tuuks didn't exist yet)

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that Koho stick that was oval was either the XL1 (black and stiffest), xl3 (dark blue medium flex, or xl5 (also dark blue, most flexible). they then came out with a squared edge version called an XL Pro (dark blue but with white print not yellow like its oval brothers) that I am failry sure my dad still has in his basement. I rocked an XL3 before giving up on using it for consistent slapshots with it, although i probably never had a stick that my wrister was as accurate with.

the Cooper xl7 helmet itself wasn't a bad idea (just ugly in a pre Cascade kinda way), but its cage was, you could hit it hard enough staright forward and jam it into the wearer's face.

the first generation Nike skates have to be up there (the white/black ones). Half the NHLers endorsing them gave them up before the season got to Christmas that year and walked away from the money back when they were only moderately overpaid and endorsements were rare.

Micron Medalic skates...is it a stiched skate or a molded skate hard to tell?

the original clear Tuuks like the ones that came on Daoust 301 Nationals. You looked at them cross eyed and they would crack. However you then became a bit of an equipment bad ass if you rocked a pair of skates with one clear Tuuk (since it hadn't broke (yet)) and one black Tuuk (because you couldn't get clear Tuuk holders fast enough and, well, white Tuuks didn't exist yet)

heh heh Clear Tuuks!!!! Yes, those equipment bad asses would claim that they took a super hard slap shot off of them, until we'd see one literally crack under one's foot!!!!

I thought those were Koho XL... Good times!!!

Plastic skates in those days were just a bad idea!!!! I saw many Bauer Turbos shatter!!

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I saw two pair of awesomely retro skates at the rink yesterday!!!

1) Bauer Turbo. Not used for much of anything, basically a relic that got dusty in a basement.

2) Bauer Supreme with ankle protection. Those looked almost out of a time capsule!!!

The Supremes would not have qualified as worst, but the Turbos definitely would!!! I just got a giggle out of the retro skates.

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