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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spares on a League Team

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So we are starting a league team this summer

i havent played organized hockey in 10 years i'm so hype! LOL

been playing pickup but its just not the same!


we have a 14 man roster and obviously there will be some players missing every so often and we will need spares

we have a list of guys who can fill in thats all good

but when buddies of mine had asked me in the past if i cud replace a guy they say it costs 10-15$ or so

i'm just curious to know what they do with that money?

is that what others do with their teams?

what do u do with ur spares?


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We don't charge spares, as we are just happy to have them sub in. If a spare plays often enough we may just ask him to bring beer one week.

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Teams I've been on have:

Used it as beer money the following week

Saved it up and applied it towards the next season's league fees

Saved it up and applied it towards new sweaters/socks

Saved it up and used it to get practice ice during the summer

Saved it up and over time used it to buy a set of goalie gear that belonged to the team for emergencies

And I think one captain was using it to finance online porn

Really just seems to depend on the team and the captain. Never really seen anyone get too worked up on the "right thing" to do with sub money, as opposed to say the battles over whether the goalie pays to play or not.

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