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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sizing questions for the gurus of Mod Squad

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Been out of the game for a couple of years for various reasons and have just gotten back on the ice in the last month. I haven't bought a new pair of skates since 2002 (Bauer 5000's) and am looking to get into a new pair. I'm considering ordering a set and I have some questions about specific brand sizing as well as how sizing varies between brands. I'm specifically interested in going either Bauer, CCM, or Reebok. I've tried archiving some threads from here but still have some confusion. And naturally, i'd like to research as much info as possible before placing an order. Thank you in advance for your input. My questions are these:

1) Difference between CCM sizes D and E?

2) Difference between Bauer D and EE?

3) Difference between Reebock C,D,E, and EE?

4) How would a 9.5 Bauer 5000 boot compare to a 9.5 in a XXV with regard to sizing (old vs. new)? I really don't know the width designation my current 9.5's but I think I can determine my width designation (for the new skate) by the the way mine feel.

5) How does each brand's sizing chart differe from one another.....meaning: is a Bauer 9.5 very comparable to a CCM or RBK 9.5 or would it run a bit bigger or smaller? If bigger or smaller, by how much approximately?

Again, any info is much appreciated.

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Unfortunately LHSs are still a comfort for some, not all. I'm sure someone can chirp in with good insight. The Supreme 5000 line is a bit before my time.

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Yeah, the nearest legit LHS is about an hour from my house and my local rink's hockey shop has erratic hours that are incompatible w/ my schedule, a keeper that seems to operate more on guesswork than I'd like regarding specific questions of this nature, and they're only a Bauer dealer. Also, I don't wish to waste alot of somebody's time working with me trying on skates and such when I don't necessarily inted to purchase the skates there. I'm certain I can find the info I need here as i've been perusing the forums for a few weeks and have found that there are some extremely knowledgable people posting here with regard to gear expertise.

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I should probably clarify that i'm not opposed to buying from a brick & mortar dealer, it's just that i don't want to drive all over the state of Florida looking for shops w/ qualified staff w/ the variety in the product lines i'm looking for. I've run into my share of pro shops over the years staffed by people who weren't really up on the particulars of gear....especially the proper fitting of skates. As a former Regional Sales Rep in the SCUBA industry I know there are plenty of people who strongly support brick & mortar dealers as opposed to the internet retailers and it's understandable. If there's anybody here with familiarity of shops in Central Florida (preferably the Orlando & surrounding area) that would would make a recommendation that would also be appreciated.

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