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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where can I get runners for ccm tacks

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I am looking for 287 mm runners for a pair of ccm tacks. Anyone know where I can find a pair? any store owners have any? So far I have only been able to find a place that has 1 runner.


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I appreciate the links, but most of those places do not have them in stock. So unless, you have called those stores how would you know I haven't checked them? Hockeygiant is the store that only has 1, their warehouse is close by in Carlsbad.

The Westwood sports is the only one I haven't tried. So I'll call them on Monday and see what they say.

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Any pro shop should have those in stock and if not they can order them... All the CCm steel is universal with the Pro Lite holders and the E pro holders.

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