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Broken Tendon Guard

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Is a broken tendon guard a sign of something is wrong with my skating?

Just noticed tonight after the game my RBK 9k's tendon guard is broken, should I be worried? The tendon guard was a little torn from the sides, I guess it was a matter of time. Its not completely off yet, just when u wiggle it you can tell its broken.

I am a decent skater but I do like to skate hard and I play defense, if it helps.


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Pretty common with the 9ks. Could be normal wear/tear...but there is also a chance that you're not taking your skates off properly.

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my one75 tendon guard is cracked....only a matter of time..........not pleased with the build quality but it is an awesome skate

anyone have solutions for the common "one90/70/75 problem"?

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Pretty common with the 9ks. Could be normal wear/tear...but there is also a chance that you're not taking your skates off properly.

Ditto. The majority of broken tendon guards are from taking the skates off improperly rather than from the rigors of the game. Do you grasp onto the guard and push your skates off? Or (hopefully not) push one off with the other foot? Those methods are surefire ways to rip the guard off. It's nothing to worry about, the tendon guards serves no purpose other than to protect your Achilles tendon but if you are worried take it back to your shop to see if it's still under warranty, if not any reputable shop or shoe cobbler will be able to reinforce by stitching material on the edges.

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It's nothing to worry about, the tendon guards serves no purpose other than to protect your Achilles tendon.

Tell that to Robert Lang.

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actually I unlace my skates all the way till after the locking buckle and always handle the skate around the pump area, both for putting on and off the skate.

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I have 9k's too and wondered the same thing, mine go back pretty far and i got the tears right around the edge too, could you post a picture? im kinda curious about this

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Push from the top of your last eyelet. Use both your hands with equal pressure to slide your heel out and off. Obviously you need to make sure that your skates are completely unlaced (so you don't mess with your heel lock). A little too scientific on how to take your skates off, I know, but I have the 9Ks and no tendon guard problem yet.

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My last pair of skates, the tendon guard wore through the liner. So I put them on and take them off by grabbing the toe and heel of the skate. Much better.

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Sorry for delay in pics, was busy.

I just noticed the tendon guard are much stiffer now when taking these pictures, I just left it to air dry and it feels stiffer than it did when I last played in them (Sat night). That is strange.






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Like I said earlier, I do take extra care when taking on and off the skate. I do not handle the skate at the tendon guard ever.

Same for the tongue, as I have read on this forum, pulling it excessively will detach it from the skates.

I've had similar cuts in my tendon guards for months with no ill results.

Thanks TBLfan for reply. That is good to know.

Is this a common RBK problem or it is something wrong with my skating?

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My skates are one95s. My issue is probably when standing straight when bsing(standing still or gliding around during a stoppage) causes my calves to push the tendon guard back a little. With coaching and the extra bs-ing icetime I get, I can see how this might strain the tendon guard after a while. Also the extension on the "toe-flick" would put pressure on the tendon guard. The tendon guard itself can take the slight pressure but the material gives. I have "football" calves and the one90 calf wrap doesn't help make them any smaller.

Pic of damage:


Tendon guard being pushed back:


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