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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate lacing

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i usually leave the top eyelet open when i lace my skates to give my ankle more room to flex..does anyone else prefer this or am i missing out on power by not getting used to and using the top eyelit?

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I skip the second to top eyelet. I believe there are some threads on this already if you want to search around a little.

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I skip the second to top eyelet. I believe there are some threads on this already if you want to search around a little.

that's right - just search

I recall seeing a thread with a survey, and the result was something line 70% laced all the way, and the rest either left the top unlaced, or something else - can't recall

I leave the top one on One95 unlaced.

Crosby skips the second one from the top, but laces the top one - it's all personal preference

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Yes it's personal preference.

Leaving the top eyelet open is sort of like having a lower cut boot which some may prefer. A number of people skip the second to top eyelet because it allows more forward flex in the boot but maintains a good amount of the support above the ankle that you don't have with a lower cut / skipped top eyelet.

It comes down to PP and skating style. Try the various options and see what works best for you.

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Leaving the top eyelet open is sort of like having a lower cut boot which some may prefer.

not sure if I would describe it this way personally, since skipping the top eyelet increases the forward flex ONLY, while the lateral support from a higher cut boot is still intact...

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When I tried lacing up all the way, my calves were killing me. I do have more movement with the top one undone.

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