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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adjusting to New Skates

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So I recently got a new job after being out of work for the past 4 months and decided to celebrate by getting myself some new skates and a pair that finally fit me better compared to my old ones. As you may have read from some of my previous posts I was using CCM Tacks 952s and sometimes some old Bauer 4000's (both in size 8.5 with 280mm holders/runners). I decided on a pair of Vapor XXVs (in an 8.0D that have 272mm holders/runners). Skates felt very comfortable right out of the box, so I am happy with that.

Anyways, yesterday I was able to take these out to a public skate and give them a whirl. After I bought them I took a quick look at the sharpening and it seemed totally fine. When I got out on the ice yesterday I noticed that the edges felt a bit dull and it felt like I was sliding out a lot (if that makes sense). I posted once before about my issues with performing a true hockey stop (to the right). Well on the new skates I was able to engage my left inside edge a lot more, especially on something like a one-footed snow plow, which I was not able to do before. However, when trying to stop to the left I noticed my left outside edge was not scraping ice like I normally could do with my old skates. It feels like it just cuts in and stutters a bit. As time went on I was feeling more comfortable with my edges skating.

So, my question is could the change in skates (stiffness of the boot) and runner length affect these things? Does this sound like something as simple as becoming accustomed to the new skates? Thanks.

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Yep, had a lot of sliding on my first sharpening or two.

Once the edges were ok, I had some adjusting to do (I believe I read the LS2 on my XIXs are 3mm higher than the tuuk holders on my then 10-yo supreme's) but it was much much better.

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ok that was my initial thought when I got out on the ice because the lhs I purchased them has a bunch of kids that sharpen skates and I don't think they do the best job (I know I should have taken them somewhere else, but I figured it would be fine). I just wasn't sure if having a shorter runner might have any real adjustment issues.

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I know the feelings about the kids at the machine.

That said a lot of shops will charge over 15.00 for a first sharpening. This was the case with my area. So I let the kid do it as it was included with purchase, then went to the shop I trust and paid 5.00 and asked them to clean it up.

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Get them sharpened again.

I refuse to skate on the first sharpening. Let the steel cool, maybe rub it something to dull the edges(probably unnecessary), then get them resharpened.

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ok seems like everyone has experienced this and knows what I am talking about, so I will take them to get sharpened again. Thanks a bunch.

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Ok, so I am almost embarrassed to be revisiting this thread. I had the skates sharpened probably twice more since I originally bought them. Now granted I did not get ut on the ice much at all this past summer and only once or twice this Fall. But I am still noticing an issue with my stops (turning left). My left skate (outside edge continues to just dig in and stutter and not scrape smoothly. So obviously this could just be poor form on my part..probably a large part hahaha, but also could the change in runner length be an issue? Could boot stiffness be an issue? I was used to playing in old bauer supremes and tacks.

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I had the same issue as you. I switched from 7.5 CCM (271 runner) to 7 Bauer (263). My left skate would stutter as well and my skates felt too sharp on a 7/16" hollow. I switched to a 1/2" hollow and it feels like normal again. I suggest going with a cut less deep on your sharpening.

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I also had the same issue with new skates. It took a while before I felt comfortable on my left facing stops. It just turned out to be a commitment thing. I wasn't pushing into it. Once I pushed into like I did with my right facing stops it was smooth as silk. If it still gives you problems, go with a shallower hollow like layziebone said above.

hope this helps and good luck with the new skates!

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great! thanks a bunch guys. I think its probably a commitment thing as well, solely because I have been just playing some stick and puck and havent geared up in a while. Probably the thought is stuck in the back of my head. Remind me on hollows again... Im on 1/2" now so one cut shallower would be?

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