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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with Skill Pad

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What material are you using? I was thinking about making one also. Any help would be appreciatated.


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What material are you using? I was thinking about making one also. Any help would be appreciatated.


HDPE (High-density polyethylene) It's a hard slick plastic that can mimic the way a puck moves on ice.


I've never bought fron USPlastics but I've known people who have. Also If you have a local plastics maker you can check with them.

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With the thickness, if you go thin, there might be some shape changing if the temp gets up there during the summer where you live. I went with a 1/4'' and that thing is solid. The place I went to had the 1/8'' option which looked like thickness of the tape 2 tape or retail shooting boards.

also get HPDE with the smooth finish, there is the rough finish that people use for cutting boards.

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i used a plexiglass really thin. it was for my room when the ac was in to cover up the rest of the window. i put pledge on it and it worked like a charm for stick handling until i took it outside and decided to practices my slap shots and from there its history. i have to get a thicker piece now =(

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Anyone that's done this care to make up a guide and/or share some pictures.... I'm very interested in the possibility of making one...

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Buy some HDPE at whatever thickness and general size you desire. Then cut the board down to the exact dimensions desired. To lubricate the board I would use pledge or any other brand of hardwood furniture polish. To clean the board I typically use silicon spray rub it in then hose it down. You can add a bungee cord to the end of the board to help with moving of the puck, like a tape 2 tape. You might want to put some weights down on the sides to keep the cord in place.

I suggest you shoot with roller hockey pucks for ultimate slickness, but regular pucks do work.

I have a ton of them before I bought a tape 2 tape. I will try and see if I can post some pictures.

Edit: Make sure you keep it OUT of the sun. If you leave it out it might get warped.

However it is safe t use the board outside.

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I went over to home depot and grabbed an 'acrylic' sheet...looks very similar to plexiglass, and I use silicone lube on it. I *carefully* drilled 4 holes in the acrylic and screwed it down to a piece of plywood to keep it from bending, because the acrylic was not 100% firm. Cost me about 40 bucks in total.

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