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Shin pad advancement....

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So I was talking with a guy this weekend who has been out of the game for a long time and we talked a lot about the big differences of skates and sticks, and how helmets and all have changed, elbow pads grew in size, and even breezers and gloves and the new mesh socks as well. But one area kinda left me with a question of my own about equipment changes, shin pads... Other than saying "they're probably a lot lighter than 5 or 10 years ago" I really couldn't think of anything and it got me thinking if the shin pad is just one of the most under appreciated pieces when it comes to advances or was my first thought right, that it's just lighter for the same protection really.

Any thoughts on shinnies?

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Not sure how new it is but most shin guards these days have a lot of protection against hyper extending your knee. Also the wrap around calf padding is a nice touch. Velcro straps were added. The ability to add and remove padding. Liners moving sweat away. That's all I can think of at the moment.

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Being lighter is definitely there. More anatomical fit, a lot higher comfort level with increased padding and materials used, a general overall increase in protection, as well as what hockeyman mentioned.

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Yeah mostly I just kinds felt like there was so much to talk about for skates comparing ProTacks and similar era skates to recent releases, and just night and day from leather Supremes and same went for sticks (the original synergy stick compared to a S17 etc etc) but shins from 10 years ago... I just kinda blanked on fit and drying and all that.

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no I got you, I'm just saying even after working in a shop and replacing most of my equipment I'm sticking with those regardless.

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yeah I loved my Jofas for 7 years til both knee caps cracked recently. I went looking and didn't look long. Went with the RBK 6K. They just felt good like my old Jofas did. I removed the straps from my Jofas but with the 6K the new strapping system works great. It touches the shin at two points, velcros with one strap, and keeps my legs a little cooler.

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yeah I loved my Jofas for 7 years til both knee caps cracked recently. I went looking and didn't look long. Went with the RBK 6K. They just felt good like my old Jofas did. I removed the straps from my Jofas but with the 6K the new strapping system works great. It touches the shin at two points, velcros with one strap, and keeps my legs a little cooler.

I have a source for Jofa kneecaps. All three shapes.

Mine are at least 15 yrs old, but I've had them for 3 mos. 3175s. Found a pair with Tampa so I'll have a second pair at 16"

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I have a pair of Jofa 8070's and I've personally found the newer RBK models are wider and bulkier nowadays than the older Jofa 80 or 90 series shin pads. It's not a bad thing it just means they're more protective but I liked the sleeker profile of the older shins they tend to taper more at the bottom of the shin pad.

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I have a pair of Jofa 8070's and I've personally found the newer RBK models are wider and bulkier nowadays than the older Jofa 80 or 90 series shin pads. It's not a bad thing it just means they're more protective but I liked the sleeker profile of the older shins they tend to taper more at the bottom of the shin pad.

And that's why I own 3175s

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