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Sharks fan video

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Hey guys, i tried searching but didn't see anything on this...have you all seen this douche cry about the Sharks getting eliminated on youtube? haha his dad is just awesome.

Kid cries for Sharks

Sorry if this was already talked about...my brother sent this to me earlier and I was laughing my ass off when his dad comes in the room :lol:

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I can barely type this because I'm laughing so hard.

I'm paraphrasing but my favorite line was: "For all the people beating you up, your giving them the 2X4 to do it."

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Man that kid is a loser. Yeah it sucks when your team loses but to cry about it at his age. WOW!

Last time I cried over my team was when the Rangers lost in the conference finals in 97' and I was 11. I'm stunned. His father should take him offline.

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wow, when I saw the original post I was expecting like a 5 year old kid crying.

I agree with his dad, I mean even if he couldn't control his emotions and cried, why would he put his webcam on so people can watch him cry.

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There's another video of him going berserk, he was ripping off his jersey and destroying his closet door. It was really pathetic.

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That does sound pathetic, I don't think I want to see that. I can understand being sad or down because your team lost, but going crazy and ripping up and breaking stuff I just can't understand.

I have never seen any of my pro teams win a championship (because none of them have ever won any), so maybe I'm more used to watching my teams lose.

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As a Shark fan, I'm pretty jaded from their playoff performance for the past few years. Low expectations means I don't get that upset when the lose. :lol:

Nice username btw.

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lol...i was surprised to see he wasn't wearing a sharks jersey

he's obviously not a hockey player...i like his dad though

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OMG this made my day .... i think i might get asked ot leave work cause I just blurted out laughing in the middle of the quite office.

A little better and funnier version:

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wow, when I saw the original post I was expecting like a 5 year old kid crying.

I agree with his dad, I mean even if he couldn't control his emotions and cried, why would he put his webcam on so people can watch him cry.

I was thinking the same thing. I was shocked when I saw how old he was.

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