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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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If you're waiting for a one timer, holding the trigger will make you shoot instead of check the nearest person to you.

Left trigger? Thats going to save me so many penalty minutes.

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That's good to hear, cause I picked him up in one of my drafts too. Although after a season he's already peaked at Athleticism, however his potential for Reflexes and Puck Control are an A and B- respectively. Hopefully he'll develop like that for me too. The last draft I did (started a new one with the Rangers) was pretty terrible. I think I signed one guy out of about 7 picks, and he was only about a 71 overall.

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Question, how in the hell do you delete a created player. I was farting around with this and now can't get rid of the guy. Maybe I was too tired last night or I'm a total re-tard (gratuitous Hangover reference). Even when I started a new GM mode w/ default rosters he was in the FA pool. For the Christ...

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Here is my take on this game.... first off I have it for PS3. I think this game is great! Very realistic, and I am playing in season mode. I prefer season mode, where I make the trades as they actually happen. Kind of a pain, but who cares. ;) I am using Toronto, and am about mid December in my season, and I have a whoppin' 8 wins! So, kind of realistic I guess. :ph34r: I think I am still getting used to everything on it, and have kind of tweaked a few sliders, but not sure what to do now.

Here is my problem(s) with my season/game play: I CAN'T SCORE, and I mean can't to save my life! I just got off a 5 game losing steak with scores 1-0, 2-0, 1-0, 2-0, 2-0, my biggest win was 4-0 over Detroit after scoring my only 4 pp goals all season on a 5 min powerplay(including a 5 on 3). Sure, I am tops defensively by a wide margin, but wow I can't score, and I get 20 or shots a game (5 min periods). Also, I have penalties/fighting/injuries all maxed out, yet maybe get 1 pp/game.... with a record of 8-15-3 maybe, my leading points guy is Phaneuf with 1 g, 17 a. All but 1 a with Calgary. The player with most goals on my Leafs is Kulemin, or Kessel with something like 5 goals.

Frustrating - yes, but super awesome game!

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Question, how in the hell do you delete a created player. I was farting around with this and now can't get rid of the guy. Maybe I was too tired last night or I'm a total re-tard (gratuitous Hangover reference). Even when I started a new GM mode w/ default rosters he was in the FA pool. For the Christ...

You have to go to the Edit Player part, and then make all his attributes random. I think it's the X button on 360?? Just keep doing his attributes random until he's like a low 60, and change his potential to all D's. No one will ever sign him.

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Anyone else having problems simulating games lately? I swear it seems like the better team you have, the more the computer gives you the super lopsided losses. I like to simulate big portions of my seasons, but it's hard to do it when I have one of the best teams in the league, yet give up 7 goals every other game. I don't remember it ever being this bad. I simulated a few games during the playoffs and lost two of them 10-3. What gives???

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Anyone else having problems simulating games lately? I swear it seems like the better team you have, the more the computer gives you the super lopsided losses. I like to simulate big portions of my seasons, but it's hard to do it when I have one of the best teams in the league, yet give up 7 goals every other game. I don't remember it ever being this bad. I simulated a few games during the playoffs and lost two of them 10-3. What gives???

I simulated a game the other day and won 10-0....

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how often do they do a roster update. I know it hasn't been long, but you'd think when a Superstar changes teams they'd update it.

Probably won't see one until the trade deadline is over.

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So the new exploit is to take a shot from the point on the rush and tap the rebound in- the goalie always coughs up a long rebound. I had a guy take 50 shots on me the other night- we tied 4-4 and went to SO. I only had 16 shots.

It's easy to defend against- just use one of your forwards to back check to the net and scoop that rebound up. If you arent paying attention the opponent can run a few goals on you that way befre you know whats going on.

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The one I downloaded yesterday had kovy on the Devils.

Really depends on the game mode you're playing. If you started any sort of season mode (be a pro, GM, superstar whatever) then roster updates wont effect anything.

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So the new exploit is to take a shot from the point on the rush and tap the rebound in- the goalie always coughs up a long rebound. I had a guy take 50 shots on me the other night- we tied 4-4 and went to SO. I only had 16 shots.

It's easy to defend against- just use one of your forwards to back check to the net and scoop that rebound up. If you arent paying attention the opponent can run a few goals on you that way befre you know whats going on.

That's been around for a while. Only problem defending it is that your forward sometime doesn't pick up the puck. I've noticed a new wrap around that goes in a lot. Almost like the curve shot, they pull the puck back and the goalie stays on the far post.

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QUick question about Be A Pro mode. Why is it that sometimes Ill go to the bench and the player coming on I won't be able to control. I am playing position lock so I should be able to control the center at all times even when my created player goes to the bench. If this has been answere before sorry.

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QUick question about Be A Pro mode. Why is it that sometimes Ill go to the bench and the player coming on I won't be able to control. I am playing position lock so I should be able to control the center at all times even when my created player goes to the bench. If this has been answere before sorry.

Pretty sure it's just a game glitch. I've had that happen a lot, or my player just won't go off for a change and I can't control him at all. Really annoying.

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You guys might have it where it's authentic, meaning, your guy goes off for a change and you don't control the player replacing him. You have to do position lock.

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Pretty sure it's just a game glitch. I've had that happen a lot, or my player just won't go off for a change and I can't control him at all. Really annoying.

Yeah that's what I thought. Because I'll be changing normally and then controlling the next center and then the next for most of the game and then all of a sudden ill change and the next center wont be controlled by me. Of course it happens right in the last couple minutes to and the opposing team scores hahaha.

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What is the deal with a lost connection after the game ends? Tonight we've had 3 wins, two OT winners and one blowout. in all three, as soon as the horn blows or the OT goal is scored we get "lost connection." What exactly is the point of quitting a game you officially lost? What does that change deep down in your demented psyche?

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What is the deal with a lost connection after the game ends? Tonight we've had 3 wins, two OT winners and one blowout. in all three, as soon as the horn blows or the OT goal is scored we get "lost connection." What exactly is the point of quitting a game you officially lost? What does that change deep down in your demented psyche?

I think you get less points if it's a quit/disconnect. That's how it was in 09, not sure about 10.

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No, because that's the 2K-series. EA pretty much had a monopoly on hockey games with the way sales went last year. NHL 2k10 wasn't bad, but it was a love-it-or-hate-it affair. The good was outweighed pretty heavily by the bad. I hope they take the extra year to reboot the franchise and try to compete with EA. 2k10 had potential, but they needed to fix a lot of things.

I would hate to see NHL turn into Madden, where the lack of competition lets them get away with a roster update and 1 lackluster feature every year.

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