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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dead hockey brands.

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I still have one of those old cooper helmets like mess wears

Messier actually wears a Winn-Well helmet, that eventually was changed into the Cooper SK2000. The two helmets are slightly different though.

Oh. I got the sk2000. Tempted to use it but its close to 20 years old now so it's probably best where it is and that's in my parents garage.

Make a lamp out of it! It'd make a great conversation piece in your home.

Yeah I was tempted to call Mess and Buchberger in case either of them was going to play again to let them know I have one ;) A lamp is a good idea though.

A pretty penny that would fetch if they wanted one...although my guess is that they both have a stockpile of them somewhere.

Otherwise, you can also seal up the vents in the helmet and make a chip bowl out of it! Perfect for watching the game!

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And the scary part is that the answer may be Nike or Reebok....or maybe even.......Microsoft.

Microsoft hockey gear....yep that's when I'll hang up the skates for good. :P

If there's Microsoft Hockey, you know what's next...

Macintosh Hockey! Would be easier to use, your skating would be faster, your shots would be more accurate and harder, and all the equipment wouldn't break and need replacing as soon!

Of course the drawback would be that you could only use Macintosh Hockey gear at less that 15% of the rinks in the country, it would cost more, and you could only buy it and get it serviced at Macintosh Hockey dealerships.

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Well here is a topic that needs some updates. I think other thank jocks and mouth guards that shock doctor is out. Itech is gone. Will eagle last as a separate brand? If there is a company than can spend on marketing and player sponsorship would warrior drop off or is warrior established? What is CCM's future? Comeback for CCM? Winwell to fall away again? Graf?

As I read this I see the business end hasn't changed a lot.

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Well here is a topic that needs some updates. I think other thank jocks and mouth guards that shock doctor is out. Itech is gone. Will eagle last as a separate brand? If there is a company than can spend on marketing and player sponsorship would warrior drop off or is warrior established? What is CCM's future? Comeback for CCM? Winwell to fall away again? Graf?

As I read this I see the business end hasn't changed a lot.

Wow....where to start.

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