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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro's using wood plugs?

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some players might shave down the but ends for tendinitis and arthritis reasons.the end shape could be a little easier on their wrist and hands due to a long season.for better control of the stick.each player is different.

I have some tendinitis in my wrist that holds the top of my stick. It sometimes hurts to grab something, especially the heavier it weighs. A cup of coffee could make it hurt if it is really bad. Would shaving down my end plug help reduce the tendinitis? Would I lose stick control?

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I have a pro stock ken klee one90 shaft with a handle that is tapered and is rounded. I mean that the shaft is like this, not an extension.

You can kinda tell from this picture:


Rolston does it too, you can see it a little bit here: http://photos.syracuse.com/photos/post-sta...13fe97d1c81.jpg

I think the old Bauer Vapor 6, 8 and 10 called them "wheel barrow" shafts. Tapered and slightly rounded. It felt pretty good for puck handling but I could not shoot harder with it though.

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some players might shave down the but ends for tendinitis and arthritis reasons.the end shape could be a little easier on their wrist and hands due to a long season.for better control of the stick.each player is different.

I have some tendinitis in my wrist that holds the top of my stick. It sometimes hurts to grab something, especially the heavier it weighs. A cup of coffee could make it hurt if it is really bad. Would shaving down my end plug help reduce the tendinitis? Would I lose stick control?

Try a few objects with a hockey shaft like feel. Whichever one feels the best, with your tendonitis is the one you should go with. If a rounded shaft like Bradley's helps, use it.

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perhaps the hole in the stick is to allow air to go in and out of the shaft while flexing? so it isnt artifically supported/stiffened by the air inside of it?

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Nice tape-job. I have the same style for my 9K0. Just like Letang, he uses those grinders to shave down the corner of the shaft in certain places.


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I haven't read through the entire thread but as some people have stated, its due to various reasons.

Many do it because of tape, because they have their own personal plugs that are rounded, and some just do it strictly for vibration purposes which is what I do.

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