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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What would be a good runner to use?

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I want to get the U+ because the accomodate my heel size, and good even before baking. However I am going with the '08 version of the skate with the rocket runner. What runner should I replace it with and how much heavier would the skate really be.

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I was looking at the 2 Ininew listed and was making sure they were still up there in performance.

I will give all 3 a look I could care less what Pros are using.

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Right on.

Sometimes some pros have no clue about equipment, skate sharpening, etc. Not being sarcastic.

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Supposedly the scalloped runners may be prone to bending. Never happened to me on my Vectors10 (about 2 years three times a week). But you WILL feel the difference in weight with the saclloped ones.

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I am 200 lbs and nothing happened to mine. The replacement pair I bough together with the skates (just in case) never got to get used.

They're a little bit cheaper at HG but I hear they raised their shipping charges. Look for discount codes for HG (google, or good deal thread here at MSH).

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I have a discount one for the monkey so I will use it then compare shipping.

I don't think they honored mine 10% off code on my last two $1k orders according to my bank statement. I'm gonna give them (HM) crap if that's the case.

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