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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic VS Tkachuk

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get a XN10 shaft and a synthesis sicore sakic then!!!!

in my opinion...all TPS curve suck....but i would really like to try a xn10 so what i plan to do is..buy a xn10 shaft and a iginla or Guerin(franklin) blade :)

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get a XN10 shaft and a synthesis sicore sakic then!!!!

in my opinion...all TPS curve suck....but i would really like to try a xn10 so what i plan to do is..buy a xn10 shaft and a iginla or Guerin(franklin) blade :)

they all do suck, thats why i was looking for pro stocks

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Yes it is. The tkachuk and nash patterns are worlds apart though so I would wait for that nash to come in if you're accustomed to a sakic-like curve.

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get  a XN10 shaft and a synthesis sicore sakic then!!!!

in my opinion...all TPS curve suck....but i would really like to try a xn10 so what i plan to do is..buy a xn10 shaft and a iginla or Guerin(franklin) blade :)

they all do suck, thats why i was looking for pro stocks

Actually, pretty much every retail curve sucks for my purposes.

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get  a XN10 shaft and a synthesis sicore sakic then!!!!

in my opinion...all TPS curve suck....but i would really like to try a xn10 so what i plan to do is..buy a xn10 shaft and a iginla or Guerin(franklin) blade :)

they all do suck, thats why i was looking for pro stocks

Actually, pretty much every retail curve sucks for my purposes.

actually my favourite curve is a retail one. iginla, its the best pattern in my opinion.

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is the tzachuk the same lie as the Modano? I know it says it is in the Pattern database, but other sites claim that it is a lie 6 and the Modano a 5

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is the tzachuk the same lie as the Modano? I know it says it is in the Pattern database, but other sites claim that it is a lie 6 and the Modano a 5

The 2003 model Tkachuk was a 6 lie The wood R2s are more like 5.25.

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