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Football (soccer) transfers

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With Kaka leaving AC to Real Madrid for £56 million ($92.2m) you knew there was going to be some silly money thrown around this year in the transfer market. Well this morning it looks like Ronaldo may finally be on his way from Man U to Real also, for a reported fee of £80 ($131.7).

I have no idea what his wages will be on top of that, but if he was on £130-150k a week at Old Trafford i don't think it'd be a stretch for him to be on at least £200k a week at the Bernabeu.

Obviously it's a huge loss to lose the best player in the world, but if he was unhappy, i'm glad he's gone and I wish him well.


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  fatwabbit said:
he's been at it for a few weeks... always complaining, sour faced, spoilt when Sir Alex subs him off...
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He's been at it for well over a year, but when you're that good you put up with it.

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I honestly hate Ronaldo as well; a totally 'up-his-own-arse' prick.

I'm a Sheffield United fan myself, being from Sheffield. I went to the playoff final as well this year... I'll concede it was a nice day out...

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I think the Barca game was the last straw for Real, they were just plain awful. ManU were/are stacked anyway and have serious depth, it'll be interesting to see if they decide to do anything with that 80Mill or just repay some debt. I think they should leave the caveman Tevez for ManCity and take a crack at getting Torres and then I wanna see Owen come back to Scouseland and relegate another team and all will be well. :)

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Torres will stay at LFC... I dont want Owen back, he can play for Everton if he wants.

Real have some serious money to throw around, let alone they have Zidane on the advisory board. They are also looking at Ribery...

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  pantherfan said:
I think the Barca game was the last straw for Real, they were just plain awful. ManU were/are stacked anyway and have serious depth, it'll be interesting to see if they decide to do anything with that 80Mill or just repay some debt. I think they should leave the caveman Tevez for ManCity and take a crack at getting Torres and then I wanna see Owen come back to Scouseland and relegate another team and all will be well. :)
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Haha me and a few mates were watching goals of the season a few nights ago and someone commented that Tevez looks like a caveman :P Man U have great depth, and I'll too be interested to see whether they bring someone in or bring some younger players through.

If Real get Ribery too they are going to be so off tap it's not funny! I guess they really want to beat Barca!

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i heard man u wanted him aswell, and with a gap where ronaldo played, they are gonna need somebody like ribery.

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Time to laugh at Liverpool. That much for a right back? Come the frick on... This team will go nowhere fast spending that much of the summer budget. I know English is expensive but come on and if Masch leaves for Spanish waters its over for the Pool before it began

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hey, stop slagging my team! ;)

but i agree with you... dont know why they want to spend that much on a right back... I think they need a right back, another right winger, and another striker...

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