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Shoulder pads with removable caps

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I know that the Nike Bauer Pro Defender's have removable and interchangable caps, and the shoulder caps on the new Bauer One95's are removable as well. How many other shoulder pads out there have removable caps? It's a little easier than tearing them off yourself, especially if you don't like it afterwards. Easier to velcro the caps back on then redo all the torn stitches.

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Well Farrells are obviously removable also.

It would be nice if they were all removable and you could buy the caps separately as an option, basically mix and matching different sets for multiple profiles.

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I know that the Nike Bauer Pro Defender's have removable and interchangable caps, and the shoulder caps on the new Bauer One95's are removable as well. How many other shoulder pads out there have removable caps? It's a little easier than tearing them off yourself, especially if you don't like it afterwards. Easier to velcro the caps back on then redo all the torn stitches.

not to side track the thread but I'm just curious why would you want to remove (seems like you're taking permanently - not for the purposes of replacement) the caps? I though if anything this is the only part actually worth leaving on?

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Why bother wearing caps if your just playing a non check league?

for the same reason one would bother wearing the rest of the shoulder pads (IF you're wearing them at all) - stuff happens ;)

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And some people are willing to take those risks, because they are calculated risks. The chance of an injury in casual skating that would have been prevented by shoulder cones (while still wearing the rest of the shoulder padding) is very unlikely, catching a puck in the face is far more likely and thats why even beer league guys still wear cages a lot of the time while forgoing the shoulders.

Personally I'd love to have a little something on my upper arms, chest and back without having to resort to shoulder pads as well, if for nothing else than everyone saying "hey, why are you wearing shoulder pads" everytime :P

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If this is what you want then you should probably be wearing a padded shirt with plastic inserts and low profile plastic caps like the mission offerings. They are so light and free to move in that there's really no excuse not to wear one in my opinion.

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I've seen a lot of padded shirts, they all have padding on selected areas, I'm not interested in covering my sides or shoulders without anything across my chest protecting my ribs and stomach. As far as I can tell without buying the farrell shoulder pads and taking the shoulder pads off, there is nothing that would accomplish what I'd want.

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I've seen a lot of padded shirts, they all have padding on selected areas, I'm not interested in covering my sides or shoulders without anything across my chest protecting my ribs and stomach. As far as I can tell without buying the farrell shoulder pads and taking the shoulder pads off, there is nothing that would accomplish what I'd want.

looks like you have a winner then.

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i wear lacrosse pads for noncheck play. i am a shorter guy, so i tend to take stick butts to the chest and the occasional puck to the chest as well.


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Ahriman you could check out the One95's. They're spendy but not as much as the Farrell's. The caps come off, and they should have pretty good protection. I felt a pair of One75's the other day at the local Play it Again. They were nice, but I'm not so keen on how the chest tapers in the middle. They also had a new pair of the ST16's, holy crap those are tanks.

Like other people said, I don't really need the caps on the shoulder pads. I play no-check, and right now I wear SP50's (next to 5030's and bare chest, probably the bare minimum). I do like to have my chest/back covered though, which is why I was looking into something like the One95's.

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Some of those padded shirts do have plastic inserts in them and the padding does come down around your ribs. It isn't 100% protection, but honestly most full blown shoulder pads don't fully cover your lower ribs either. I think the retail options that offer removable shoulder pads have been covered at this point.

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i wear my pads since the day i took a wrister straight on my right pec and couldn't move my right side properly for a couple days lesson learned.

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