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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Michael Jackson

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I respect your right to your opinion, I have strong feelings about people that take advantage of children.

Here's a brief history....


Not sure how things work in BC, but in the US one is presumed innocent until proven guilt by a court of law. You can claim he preyed on children all you want, but since you have no first hand knowledge, nor physical evidence, nor a conviction, your opinion is simply crap-based.

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Good riddance child molester!!! The world just because a safer place.


I respect your right to your opinion, I have strong feelings about people that take advantage of children.

Here's a brief history....


Not sure how things work in BC, but in the US one is presumed innocent until proven guilt by a court of law. You can claim he preyed on children all you want, but since you have no first hand knowledge, nor physical evidence, nor a conviction, your opinion is simply crap-based.

I'm merely posting my personal opinion. But since you mentioned it, I guess you missed the part in the attached article where Jackson settled out of court in the civil child molestation case. In the eyes of the law, Jackson may not have been found guilty of a crime and there for doesn't have a criminal record. But in my opinion by compensating the family that was suing him for child molestation, he is admitting guilt/liability.


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Good riddance child molester!!! The world just because a safer place.


I respect your right to your opinion, I have strong feelings about people that take advantage of children.

Here's a brief history....


Not sure how things work in BC, but in the US one is presumed innocent until proven guilt by a court of law. You can claim he preyed on children all you want, but since you have no first hand knowledge, nor physical evidence, nor a conviction, your opinion is simply crap-based.

I'm merely posting my personal opinion. But since you mentioned it, I guess you missed the part in the attached article where Jackson settled out of court in the civil child molestation case. In the eyes of the law, Jackson may not have been found guilty of a crime and there for doesn't have a criminal record. But in my opinion by compensating the family that was suing him for child molestation, he is admitting guilt/liability.


Or they view him as their personal bank account. Whichever, ya know.

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I guess you could take that tact. Personally, if I haven't done the act which I am accused of doing or being sued for doing, I'm not going to settle. Jackson has/had deep pockets and I have a hard time believing that he would rather pay off the family and live with the stigma of being a child molester than pay his lawyers and fight the allegation(s).

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Not sexual, but certainly child abuse when he dangled his child over a balcony in front of cameras for the world to see.

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This sucks his music was great. As much as you might not like the man you have to respect the fact that he lost his life and the pain that his family and freinds are going through. R.i.P

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Haven't seen a report of him dead yet.

Mcmahon, Fawcett and possible Jackson, dead pool: bingo

Seems like Jeff Goldlum is gone as well...

Seems that is a hoax. Apparently it is the same rumor that was passed around about Tom Cruise in 2008.

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