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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Im looking at picking up a shaft, and since its m first time buying one, im looking for a mid range price level with i believe a tapered shaft. Just looking for advice really on a good shaft. If there are other threads on this,sorry, but please link me to them.


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The 8k shafts aren't bad! Especially for the price so you may want to consider that one.

The second shaft I'd recommend fort he price is the Nike-Bauer XXXX shaft. But Unfortunately the online stores & stores by me have been out of stock. =-\ ... If you can wait on this shaft... I'd personally pick it over the 8k :)

- There is also this one here - CCM 10 shaft Reasonable price, light & durable. This is also in my arsenal of sticks n 2 piece sticks =p

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i'd say the dolomite but it might be more then you want to spend. but i love mine. and the ultralites are a good deal (even though they're standard) but you can find them pretty cheap

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well i was thinking a dolomite prostock since the LHS nearest me has them for 79.99 and the blades im getting are warrior pro return Kopeckys. and wanted to see what you guys thought was the best value since i dont play that often right now and when i do play its just maybe 1-2 times week for drop ins. no slap shots, just wristers and snap shots really

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I have a dolo nipple grip pro stock. It's awesome. I think I've had it for about a year or a year and a half, and I use it about every other game. The only shaft I've preferred was my flyweight. You really can't beat it for the price, durability and performance.

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lol i'll say the rbk 8k for leafsrule :P he's been going nuts on them

I kind of half thought someone was going to mention them. The 8k is not a mid level shaft either, but its $99-$120 depending on your lhs, its reeboks top of the line shaft. I like mine quite a bit, never was a 2 piece guy but i picked up a shaft because i have a big stock of blades and its a pretty good shaft. Because of my success with it, im probably going to pick up a 10k sometime soon.

I woudlnt go to the dolomite option, i broke a few, and it seems all my friends broke more then a few. They tend to have a plastic feel to them too similar to the original innos (i know warriors are innos, i just mean the old ones). I'd try out the synergy se, the 8k and a one95, you could land a one95 for cheap and its a great stick.

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Absolutely love my Dolos, great kick even after a year of use. The feel depends on the blade, but they seem nice and solid to me.

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Absolutely love my Dolos, great kick even after a year of use. The feel depends on the blade, but they seem nice and solid to me.

What flex of Dolomite are you using? I'm thinking of picking up a 77?

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regular shafts worth looking at: ONE90, ONE95 Warrior AK 27. my one90 shaft is a tank, and its a 77flex, and im 6 foot 1 180 pounds. it wont break/ torque at all and ive been using it 9 months now.

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Absolutely love my Dolos, great kick even after a year of use. The feel depends on the blade, but they seem nice and solid to me.

What flex of Dolomite are you using? I'm thinking of picking up a 77?

I've got two 75 flex, one nipple grip the other regular clear. They start out a little stiff (I cut them down about 5") but break in about 5-7 flex or so and are perfect for me.

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