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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth in Stock in Edmonton

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Easton loooves Ripping Off the Canadiens, eh! How the hell can they justify selling the stick for 85 more US dollars? I could see charging a bit more because of shipping, but Easton reeeally capitalizes (rather, takes advantage) of the fact Canadiens are so die-hard in love with hockey.

$350 Canadien is $274.66 US. Hockeymonkey, who is usally a really good barometer, is selling the Stealth for $189.99

You Canadiens are being ripped off by Easton, what a freaking crime.

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Its amazing how much profit they put on some things. Im getting a deal at futureshop that i only have to pay manufactors price and im getting 100 dollars off. Unless theres more to it, they make 100 dollar profits on somethings, maybe others even more.

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Who cares if they cost that much, Im not getting one.

Yeah but you have to admit that you want one.....lol. modo has a good point, I actually mentioned that in a different stealth topic. If I go to the states soon, I'll save my dolla$ and try to get one. I like the drury curve a lot now, but I can go for a modano. I should have got that YP off ebay a while back.

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I'd be curious to understand the reasoning behind it as well.

I import a ton of stuff from the US and there is NO WAY that Freight & Duties amount to a 45% difference.

Obviously there are stats that indicate these numbers can be charged, but it is certainly frustrating.

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St. Albert Sports here in St. A has them in stock too, also running at 349.99. They had the Sakic and Iginla curves.

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but well...all one piece here are about 200 to 350 CND

Synergy reg-229

response yellow-189

response plus-229(i think)

response XN10-279(not sure too)


v120-239(or 250 aroud this)

Synergy grip-259

Synergy Sicore-299

sicore grip-319

graf laser/bush-269

Vapor XX-239-249


i can have make small mistake but that approx price of them at Montreal all price CND...

so if you look guys...the reg synergy and grip one is like every other one piece price here...there the sicore that is 40 buck more(because of the feel in the blade)

and the si core grip like every grip version(10-20 more dollars) so that O.K

and the STEALH yes when you compare them to other one piece (around 230$) it 120$ more but if you compare it to the Sicore wich is 300 (it only 50 dollars)

all price were for senior stick**

P.S: I am 'in no way' approving there price but well i think it every brand that do bullshitting us (one piece maybe worth 150-200CND not more)

but you don't have choice if you whant a nice one piece (like NHL player) then you will have to pay the 250-350 CND!...I'm sticking with 100-150CND one piece stick(air core...or shaft-blade combo!)

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CobrAA's prices are fairly accurate for Canadian if not a little better than the GTA. I'm thinking about just firing up the car and taking it down to Buffalo to get sticks and skates from now on. Its the same distance as Toronto (where I have been going), but the prices are that much better. If anyone knows a good LHS just on the US side of the Niagra falls boarder please PM me.

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you might want to scope out Cupolo's, they seem to sell everything in US dollars. You can get deals but they're a bit shady.

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I was at Cupolo's the other day, well a month or so ago. Seemed all of their prices on the net are USD, but the stuff inside the store is priced like a generally LHS around me. I may give them a ring and get something for pick-up.

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Its amazing how much profit they put on some things. Im getting a deal at futureshop that i only have to pay manufactors price and im getting 100 dollars off. Unless theres more to it, they make 100 dollar profits on somethings, maybe others even more.

You think hockey shit is marked up, go look at Car Audio shit. I have a friend who can get me hookups on shit. Amp that costs 1600 from the store? Cost is 650. More than 200% profit, it's insane.

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Its amazing how much profit they put on some things. Im getting a deal at futureshop that i only have to pay manufactors price and im getting 100 dollars off. Unless theres more to it, they make 100 dollar profits on somethings, maybe others even more.

Margins aren't as good on Hockey products as most others. You have to do a high volume in order to make any money on it.

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I didn't mean to suggest that the margins on hockey gear were inordinately large at all...but the disparity in pricing North & South of the border seems a bit too large IMO. Again, I fully understand exchange and duties, but have yet to come across any product that experiences such drastic swings.

I'm sure volume plays into it - the gear manufacturers almost surely treat each country separately. Even though the population is so much greater in the US it would be interesting to know what percentage of the hockey gear sales are attributed to Canada Vs. the US.

No doubt they charge a premium here in Canuckland, but the difference boggles my mind. Especially when I look at Skates - I would venture to say the same disparity doesn't exist when compared to high end sticks.

What would a pair of S500's retail for in the US?..Ballpark?

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I was at Cupolo's the other day, well a month or so ago. Seemed all of their prices on the net are USD, but the stuff inside the store is priced like a generally LHS around me. I may give them a ring and get something for pick-up.

sounds kind of like Goalieheaven on ebay. Pretty good cheap deals on the internet, but when you drop into the store its hard to get similar pricing.

At that point its just like regular LHS prices.

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Its amazing how much profit they put on some things. Im getting a deal at futureshop that i only have to pay manufactors price and im getting 100 dollars off. Unless theres more to it, they make 100 dollar profits on somethings, maybe others even more.

You think hockey shit is marked up, go look at Car Audio shit. I have a friend who can get me hookups on shit. Amp that costs 1600 from the store? Cost is 650. More than 200% profit, it's insane.

well that is a high mark up, but when you think about it how many units of those "high end amps" does the store sell ? I personally believe that they don't really sell that many units so they have to a higher mark up to make decent money to keep the business going.

I don't have any facts and its just my opinion. I could be wrong ?

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We have the same problem in Germany (and Europe in general). All the hockey companies have insane retail prices over here, but Easton is the worst. Some examples?

Regular senior Synergy: 250 USD retail

Z-Air skates: 800 USD retail

Synergy skates..... one thousand two hundret USD retail

Ok, there is shipping and duties when bringing stuff to Europe, but for a single pair of skates I paid like 70 USD on shipping and duties in the past. If you import them by 100 pairs, those costs drop significantly. So how comes they DOUBLE their retail prices for the European market? Let's not go there...

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I'd be curious to understand the reasoning behind it as well.

I import a ton of stuff from the US and there is NO WAY that Freight & Duties amount to a 45% difference.

Obviously there are stats that indicate these numbers can be charged, but it is certainly frustrating.

I am wondering if the exchange rate has a big impact ?

I know that the US/Canadian exchange rate is really good for the Canadians now, but it does go up and down.

Right now, I think its $1 US = approximately $1.27 Canadian (presently)

before I remember $1 US = approximately $1.59 Canadian (a year or two ago)

If the exchange rate was $1 US = $1.60 Canadian, the price of a $189 US stealth will be closer to the $350 Canadian price tag.

Just a thought

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