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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are the pro stockey intakes at hockey monkey really nme

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Hey guys, got a noob question, what does NME mean? Thanks

I could be wrong, but didnt the NME have the tool free adjustment clips? Wasnt the back half of the helmet also a little different then the regular intake. Unless HM is using the wrong pictures i dont think those are NME's

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It was the name given to their new line of products (like 'Vapor', 'Stealth', etc). Mission (and Itech) was then sold to Bauer (around that time) and the line was scrapped and the Mission ice hockey line eventually gone.

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if they were NME...they would market them as such.

hockeymonkey has mis-labled things before

I guess you're right, they have mislabeled in the past. To me it would seem that they wouldn't accidentally mislabel theses as Intakes as everyone following the Mission brand was all about the NME line. Labeling them NME would probably move them quicker. (if they were indeed which we have concluded they are not.)

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Hey guys, got a noob question, what does NME mean? Thanks

I could be wrong, but didnt the NME have the tool free adjustment clips? Wasnt the back half of the helmet also a little different then the regular intake. Unless HM is using the wrong pictures i dont think those are NME's

thanks for explaining.

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