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8k vs. S17 vs. 9500

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going to get a new lid today. currently have an 8K and i'm tempted to replace it with another one, but the excitement of the unknown/new is definitely weighing on me.

i've read some of the reviews, but a nice head to head to head (no pun) on these helmets, with a little help from you guys would be nice. tell me your thoughts on one or all, if you have any. Thanks!

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going to get a new lid today. currently have an 8K and i'm tempted to replace it with another one, but the excitement of the unknown/new is definitely weighing on me.

i've read some of the reviews, but a nice head to head to head (no pun) on these helmets, with a little help from you guys would be nice. tell me your thoughts on one or all, if you have any. Thanks!

Why would you replace an 8K helmet? If you have money to burn grab a stick or a mirrored visor.

Your not going to see any real improvement over the 8K helmet no matter what you get.

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going to get a new lid today. currently have an 8K and i'm tempted to replace it with another one, but the excitement of the unknown/new is definitely weighing on me.

i've read some of the reviews, but a nice head to head to head (no pun) on these helmets, with a little help from you guys would be nice. tell me your thoughts on one or all, if you have any. Thanks!

Why would you replace an 8K helmet? If you have money to burn grab a stick or a mirrored visor.

Your not going to see any real improvement over the 8K helmet no matter what you get.

hahaha, i make fun of guys with mirrored visors. i'm helmet shopping, not stick shopping, there's really nothing out there thats got my attention right now, except the U+ CL.

i'm replacing the 8k because its worn out. i HATE the fact that those inserts move around on the 8K, has this issue been addressed? what about the pads peeling? recently i've started to get sweat dripping into my eyes, which never happened before. also, like i said, the excitement of the unknown is what's making me want to try something new.

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we had team issue 9500 last year and it was a good helmet, i didnt like the feel of it in the first week or so cause i was used to my 4500. but after it molded it was good

i also have an 8k, and after going from my 9500 to my 8k for summer hockey (they are both the same size), the 8k felt a lot tighter in the sides than the 9500

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Personally I like them all, no preference. The S17 is a slightly tighter fit than the other two. and lower profile, so that's the one I'm using at the moment but I've find the other two very comfortable as well and protective as well. I won't have any reservations about using the 8K or 9500 but I have a personal preference for Easton protective.

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Well, I coudlnt see why you woudlnt get another 8k. I had one and it was a tank, i took all sorts of pucks and what not to the head, played road hockey in it and pond hockey goalie, no problems. It cost a little more but the carbon fiber inside does make it a great deal stiffer.

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ended up with the black on black 8K.

tried the other two again.... S17 looked stupid on me, 9500 was amazing, but 8K took the cake based on overall appearance and lightweight feel. checked out the u+ CL while i was there.... AMAZING, i'll be hooking that up before the start of the upcoming season. seems like they dont really have a P4 clone, though

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Yeah, the s17 is homely, the 9500 would be decent if it was lower profile. I tried both of the helmets on and they both looked foolish on me, i like the 8k but as far as looks go the 4500 takes the prize by unanimous decision.

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