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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 110, Vapor XX or Response Plus

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R+, I like the R flex, I like the shaft shape, I can use the Tkachuk curve, it just works best for me of those choices.

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deifnantly the Response +, I have one and I love it.....Tps does a great job on their flexes and keeps them mostly consistent. I use the tkachuk as well but I think my next one will be a messier or brendl b/c I want a little more lift.

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I'd go with the response+ if there is a pattern that you like from them. It's cheaper than the other 2 (at least around here) and probably out performs them too.

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1:Vapor XX...nice soft grip,shaft shape,(not like synergy).i like some curve of them(p88 and i tihnk is the pm9)...and WHAT A NICE STYLE!!! lol

2:Vector 110...nice shaft shape,you can customize them(rip off the sticker job)....got nice curve like the recchi....there tanks (i know friend used them over 2 years and still playing with them as there 1st stick)

3:response +...i hate there curve...i don't think there the most durable out there...it true that there flex is pretty good...but i use a response(yellow) and after 2 hours playing with it....damn i hate the feeling(i don't know if the pre-peg blade is better but if not feeling lag a lot!!)

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1:Vapor XX...nice soft grip,shaft shape,(not like synergy).i like some curve of them(p88 and i tihnk is the pm9)...and WHAT A NICE STYLE!!! lol

2:Vector 110...nice shaft shape,you can customize them(rip off the sticker job)....got nice curve like the recchi....there tanks (i know friend used them over 2 years and still playing with them as there 1st stick)

3:response +...i hate there curve...i don't think there the most durable out there...it true that there flex is pretty good...but i use a response(yellow) and after 2 hours playing with it....damn i hate the feeling(i don't know if the pre-peg blade is better but if not feeling lag a lot!!)

The Bauer PM9 and TPS Tkachuk are virtually identical. I actually thought the Yellow Response had the best feel of any OPS.

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I actually thought the Yellow Response had the best feel of any OPS.

Really? The ones that I have tried have felt to me like a wet noodle. I felt an awful lot of give in the blade when I was recieving passes and taking shots; almost felt like a a flag flapping in the breeze.

The ones that I used (teammates') were some of the first ones released, so maybe they still had a few flaws in the manufacturing process. Maybe they were from a bad batch or maybe you and I just have totally different prefrences...

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I only had a couple of retail models, most have been pros. The blades broke way too quickly so maybe theirs were cracked. I've found that when the blades started to give, they were usually cracked somewhere. Then again, it could just be preference. I did find that the V110 blades had a ton of give sompared to any others though.

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I did find that the V110 blades had a ton of give sompared to any others though.

I noticed that too...I also found them somewhat poorly balanced (top-heavy), which I think might have contributed to my problems with the blade.

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I only had the 2 yellow Responses out very early before they were available in Canada. I really liked them couldn't tell you what I liked about them really, blade felt alright, but not great as was much of the stick. However the blades were gone within a week or two for both of the sticks.

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that it i'm not complaining about the yellow response....nice shape shaft nice flex got good handle only thing was the blade lolll

anywayz....i was lucky,the guy at the LHS let me get my money back!!!

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I think the XX is a sweet stick. It just feels so well balanced but I also like the v110 as I really like the feel of it. Once again, it's all pp so go with what feels the best for you and if you like the patterns that each come in.

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I love my XX, i'd go for it. The first ones had durability issues, but I havent heard of a lot of breaking in them. They have a nice feel and are pretty light. They also have the best grip out imo.

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Never used the others , but I love my XX. Had it for about a month, still all in tact feels the same as when I bought it. The 87 flex is nice and I love the grip. I'll probobly see if I can get my review of it posted within a couple days, weeks.

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I would have to say Response+, I love the flex after I cut it down, Its somewhere inbetween a 75-80. The Tkachuk is a great all around curve, I am just now getting use to it. If TPS has your curve you like I would suggest this stick.

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