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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Closest curve match?

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Hi. I was wondering if there was any retail curves that are similar to this one-

It looks like its a middle moderate curve, and the closest I could think would be a sakic, but sakic patterns have a pretty open face, and this has a closed face. Any help would be great.


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CCM Recchi is a nice closed mid curve. TPS Nash is pretty bang on with the Sakic with a slightly more closed face.

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it looks to be more of a toe... to be a sakic

Yeah, Inno Hull is close but has a bit of curve at the heel in addition to the toe.

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Well ive tried out a sakic, and it has too much of an open face on it. This one is almost exactly like the sakic, except with a closed face. So with that explanation, what would fit the best to a sakic like curve with a closed face?

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Well ive tried out a sakic, and it has too much of an open face on it. This one is almost exactly like the sakic, except with a closed face. So with that explanation, what would fit the best to a sakic like curve with a closed face?


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That curve looks almost identical to my Recchi Vector. I wouldn't say Nash comparing it to the Nash X1 blades i've used, but mine were the 2003's and if i'm not mistaken they changed it to be similar to a sakic?

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