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Reebok 10K A3T

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I jst got a pro stock 10K and I noticed that the blade is not composite and that the stick is labeled A3T. What is the difference with the A3T. Thanks for your help

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Well from my experience on my pro stock 10k the A2T blade is the Vector style construction in the blade. Not sure what the A3T means but I assume it is a different construction in the weave/material of the blade.

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According to Ollie Reebok, that was asked in his Reebok Stick Thread..His answer was it was a code they used for in house, and he didn't clarify specifically. I have an A3T, and it has a ZTac type coating on the blade and an Awesome grip coat.

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According to Ollie Reebok, that was asked in his Reebok Stick Thread..His answer was it was a code they used for in house, and he didn't clarify specifically. I have an A3T, and it has a ZTac type coating on the blade and an Awesome grip coat.

Yea mine does too, I shot with it this morning, awesome!

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I was actually just about to look for this.

I have a 10K shaft with a #1. Hopefully someone will find the answer.

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my 10k shaft was a A2T it was tapered, no carbon weave visible i bet you the your A1T was not tapred.

now i have a OPS A3 with z-tac blabe and carbon weave.

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I have 1 AIT shafts as well, and both are non-tapered. hah

Fatwabbit, you must have a think for 10k shafts. They're nice and light with possibly the best grip coating in the biz IMO

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epstud... you said it! of all the grip shafts I've used, the 10k has the BEST feel. Too bad I havent shot with it yet, just puck handled at the rink (was teaching a bunch of newbies), and training tonight just got cancelled so no shooting as well.

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