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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Source for Euro-only Bauer stick

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I have gotten word that the P02 curve is being offered retail in Europe. I have been wanting a 112-flex right-handed P02, which I believe is offered in the One85 over there.

I found a 107-flex One95 pro stock on eBay and have been "settling" to use them, but a slightly stiffer flex and non-grip would be ideal for me (my pro stocks are grip). I know that the curve/flex/grip I want is available with Easton SE16 (Lidstrom 110-flex) and two-piece sticks, but I prefer the weight/balance of the Bauer Supreme OPS line.

Therefore, does anyone have a source that deals with a lot of Europe-spec Bauer products that also ships to the US?


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I wouldn't be able to tell you how to find them, but from a bit of experience its a bitch to get used to, lie of 7. Had that vapor xxx cut around my collar bone!

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We were looking at the Bauer catalog just yesterday with regards to the Euro only OPS. Besides myself, another guy in the shop uses the Lidstrom clone. Every other OPS brand makes the Lidstrom clone for North America but Bauer. I'm sorry but that is just stupid.

I checked the link mentioned above. The dealer doesn't have a P02 in 77 flex so I'm still SOL with Bauer OPS. I'll keep using Easton Getzlaf and Warrior Lidstrom OPS. Works for me.

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No i´ve looked around and i cant find any in flex 77 :( . Not that many sticks in flex 77 at all in Europe... Would have been sweet if i could take some with me wenn i come to visit you Darkstar. To bad...

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