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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

German DEL Jerseys "Trikot"

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Howdy Hockey Gurus. Im looking to purchase some German DEL jerseys. I've checked Ebay and they are all old ones from a few seasons ago. Im looking for a site in English preferbly too as my German is abit rusty these days.

Inparticular a 04/05 ERC Ingolstadt and/or Berlin Eisbaren jersey. Or anything close. I've tried Ebay.de and Google.de so far nothing. Im after a new jersey really not some smelly old piece of cruddski that has been used for 6 years.

Send me a line by email even.....ntrusewicz@hotmail.com

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Here ya go, dude. I'm your man.

As long as you pay up front, I'll get you whatever German jersey you desire.

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