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Sulivan pro stock

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I picked up a pro Stock Sulivan from HM (Although under the glue it says, "PO'Sullivan"), and I love it but they're sold out. It's similar to a retail Drury, but the lie is too high on the Easton. The Reebok Spezza is comparable to the Drury, only with a 5 (lower) lie right? Are there any othe similar pro stocks I should look into (I beleive the Kopitar is similar)? Thanks.

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The only other Sullivan currently in the league is Steve Sullivan and he uses a very low lie, fairly straight blade and much less loft than a Drury. Oh, and Steve is RH while Patrick is LH.

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The only other Sullivan currently in the league is Steve Sullivan and he uses a very low lie, fairly straight blade and much less loft than a Drury. Oh, and Steve is RH while Patrick is LH.

That's why I figured it was Pat's, as I'm a lefty. His seemed fairly close to the Drury I compared it too, but Drury's retail is a 5.5, POS's seems to be a 5. I guess the RBK Spezza is what I should look to?

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As for pro stocks, YP/Drury-type pro curves are a dime a dozen. Just check out eBay and see if you can tell any lie differences that may suit you better.

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The only other Sullivan currently in the league is Steve Sullivan and he uses a very low lie, fairly straight blade and much less loft than a Drury. Oh, and Steve is RH while Patrick is LH.

That's why I figured it was Pat's, as I'm a lefty. His seemed fairly close to the Drury I compared it too, but Drury's retail is a 5.5, POS's seems to be a 5. I guess the RBK Spezza is what I should look to?

TPS P31, Bauer P72 is slightly deeper but very similar.

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just out of curiosity is sullivan's pattern# d-15? I remember looking at some of his sickkicks, but they were so beat up i went with a sickkick prostock d-15 which is, iirc very very similar to sullivans.

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