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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stinky Gloves - Palms smelling Funky!

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isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) .. reason I am replying to this old thread is cause my gloves (for the first time in my hockey career) smelt like a 800lbs sweaty man's balls.. and I'm being nice about the smell.. lol, and being a lady (or tomboy..ha) I couldn't stand it, so someone told me to get some isopropyl and poor a bottle into each glove, instead I used half a bottle for each glove, let them sit for an hour, then washed them in the washer, and low and behold, $1 took the smell right out.. I couldn't believe it. Time will tell for how long :) anyways that was my experience :)

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There are other brands that are shaving gel with lanolin. If you don't mind a gel made for women, try 300.jpg
I have to remember to get a can of Barbasol (with Lanolin) the next time I'm in the US.

I've found that Skintimate actually works much better than Barbasol - on gloves. :)

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Hey, that's the stuff I use.

So you rub it into the palms but don't rinse it off at all?

Luckily my One75's have been fairly good to me thus far, but the stink is starting to creep in.

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I don't even want to know how you came to find out what an 800lb sweaty man's balls smelled like. :o
isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) .. reason I am replying to this old thread is cause my gloves (for the first time in my hockey career) smelt like a 800lbs sweaty man's balls.. and I'm being nice about the smell.. lol, and being a lady (or tomboy..ha) I couldn't stand it, so someone told me to get some isopropyl and poor a bottle into each glove, instead I used half a bottle for each glove, let them sit for an hour, then washed them in the washer, and low and behold, $1 took the smell right out.. I couldn't believe it. Time will tell for how long :) anyways that was my experience :)

Come work with me at the hospital sometime, there's a smorgasbord of smells you'll never forget. +1 for skintimate, it's easier to find than barbasol in my area.

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I didn't read through this entire thread, so sorry if this is mentioned.

I get my gear professionally cleaned once a year. The company that I go to using a live enzyme that basically eats the bacteria on/in your gear (what makes it smell). I will warn you that they aren't exactly cheap, usually about $100 for all of your gear including your bag. While, its not cheap, you pretty much just have to air out your gear after every icetime (which you should be doing anyways) and it the smell won't come back. (for a long time anyways) I skipped 1 year, and went two years without doing it and the smell just started coming back about a month before I had it cleaned. I play an average of 2-3 ice times a week, year long...And I perspire alot.

The place where i live is called Sani-Gear, talk to your LHS' to see if they know, as they usually know a business in town. Or go to a local fire department and just ask who cleans their gear. You'll find alot of them contract out to these companies because fire gear, as you can imagine, gets pretty sweaty.

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Prevention or it's new gloves for me. I use the antibacterial Febreeze but it doesn't work that well. Once the funk arrives, its a losing battle. I air them out in the garage which doesn't have great airflow so I think outside would be better. I have the x70's also and they have started smelling sooner than my other pairs. Usually the funk arrives when the gloves are on their last leg but I just got these a few months ago and they are already starting to smell. Wash your damn hands! :P

I am glad that I'm not the only one who has the Eagle X-70's with a stinky palm :P Are Barbasol and Skintimate available in Canada?

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Prevention or it's new gloves for me. I use the antibacterial Febreeze but it doesn't work that well. Once the funk arrives, its a losing battle. I air them out in the garage which doesn't have great airflow so I think outside would be better. I have the x70's also and they have started smelling sooner than my other pairs. Usually the funk arrives when the gloves are on their last leg but I just got these a few months ago and they are already starting to smell. Wash your damn hands! :P

I am glad that I'm not the only one who has the Eagle X-70's with a stinky palm :P Are Barbasol and Skintimate available in Canada?

The Barbasol and Skintimate with lanolin in it isn't available in Canada (as far as I know).

Thanks for reminding me; I just picked up 2 cans of Barbasol Premium Shave Cream, Extra Moisturizing (with aloe and lanolin for maximum glide) from the grocery store down the street from my hotel (I'm in Washington DC for the week).

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The place where i live is called Sani-Gear, talk to your LHS' to see if they know, as they usually know a business in town.

Is Sani-Gear the same as Sani Sport? Also, is there any equipment that shouldn't go in the machine?


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i used to get my gear cleaned at the hockey shops with that sani clean whatever thing but its not worth it for 30 bucks. i just go to the laundromat and stick my gear in one of those giant washers with ammonia and detergent. it comes out way cleaner and costs 4 bucks.

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stick a sheet of bounce in your glove for like a day? I did that today and it's great.

+1. I do that after everytime I skate, I air my equipment out and put a fabric softener sheet in my gloves, I pull the inside pads of the gloves out too so they can air out a little more. Ive been doing this for a while and no smell in any of my gloves.

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I Play Jr.A and my equipment gets washed all the time and i have my own stall to air it out in and my gloves smell terrible, ive gone threw 3 pairs this season already and they have all smelt the same, I honestly dont know how to get it out. I have had some luck with purel or hand sanitizer before you play and just coat the inside of the gloves, don't know how great this is for the material but i dont pay for my gear so i could care less. :)

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I have been using the Anti-Microbial Febreeze immediately after games when my gear is still wet...

I have NBH One90's and i remove the liner from the glove and spray once inside each glove....they smell beautiful

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My gloves have been so terrible that I needed new ones every season. I thought I tried everything. One of my buddies let me use shutout detergent and man it really did the trick on my gloves, now I don't mind scratching my nose. The detergent is expensive but it works.

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