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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinner or radiused shafts?

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Hey guys, I fell in love with the old Cyclone sticks and always had the best puckhandling and shots with those shafts, but since they've been discontinued I can't seem to find any laying around anywhere or even used. Been using Z-Bubbles and Synergys ever since, but I'm looking to go with a new shaft I think. The new Synergies have become too boxy for me and I dislike the feel. However, today picked up an SE16 shaft in an 85 flex and was surprised at how much thinner it felt. I then picked up a 100 and it felt like Easton's normal boxy shape. Even the owner of the chain commented on it. Lining it up above a brand new S15 shaft showed that it was just a hair less wide. It just made me wonder if there are any shafts out there that are either thinner or have radiused corners. I enjoy the feel of them much more.

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Never used anything but Easton, but at this point I'd be willing to give TPS a shot to find a radiused shaft. However, it looks as if the R8s (especially Pro Radius) may be as hard to track down as Cyclones in anything besides a Whip flex.

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Try a ccm shaft, not sure which shaft shape you will need, but one of them definity has a smaller rounded shaft shape.

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Try a ccm shaft, not sure which shaft shape you will need, but one of them definity has a smaller rounded shaft shape.

Last year's V08 shaft has a very bulky and boxy feel to it so maybe you mean the top of the line shafts.

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There are still some 90 flex cyclones hanging around... they are some of THE best shafts I've had in the past.

I've scoured around every online shop possible within the United States and even a couple from Canada and no one has the 95 flex ones left. I've found a couple people with some used ones, but no one's willing to sell them. I've also found a shop in IL that has them, but I need someone to give me their contact info so I can call them and see if they'll ship a few.

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I've got a 95 flex Cyclone in my garage. The problem is that it's only 40" so you'd need a long plug. An Oggie grip would add 7.5" so that would almost be the standard length. IIRC Cyclones were 48" stock?

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Try a ccm shaft, not sure which shaft shape you will need, but one of them definity has a smaller rounded shaft shape.

Last year's V08 shaft has a very bulky and boxy feel to it so maybe you mean the top of the line shafts.

The U+ feels significantly smaller than the V10 or any other of the vector line. You dont notice it really in barehands but you do while in gloves immediately.

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The brooklynite almighty has a much smaller shaft than most senior sticks. It's probably close to the cyclone or radius shafts, but the stiffness may be an issue.

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Well guys, I scoured and scoured every website all over the US and Canada that advertised having them. Called each one and each time I was told that they either: A) only had 70s left.... or B ) hadn't updated the website in years and had been sold out of them altogether for many years.

However, was at the rink the other day and happened to walk into this half-assed pro shop they had (I actually used to run the pro shop they used to have in there) and saw an old Louisville TriCore shaft. I remembered them being out back around 2001 and liked both the regular shaft and its Pro-radius counterpart. Looked at the price? Only $20 and in great shape, so I bought it. However, it's a Stiff, which equates to about a 105 on Easton's scale, but it honestly feels more like a 110. I'm going to give it a shot, but I'll likely sell it due to this reason.

Afterwards, I got a message from a guy on another forum who helped to set me up with a shop in a Chicago rink that sold me their last 95 flex Cyclone in stock. Looks like I got lucky. Plus I found another person with a few that I'm going to empty his stock as well. Thanks for all the help guys; it is appreciated immensely.

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