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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NZL Ice Blacks make history

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No one has complained about them doing it. When they do, it can be addressed at that stage. I don't see what the big deal is.


Read the linked article, the Irish team protested.

The complaint had been lodged and NZL had been given special permission.

Turning their backs and banging their sticks was: A Disrespectful - carrying on warming up wouldve been fine

B They made it harder for themselves by trashing a countries culture in front of them :P

I know alot of Irish people and they are great and I have never heard of them having a problem with the haka which is really whats weird about that

But this is getting A LOT off subject and is turning into a flame post <_< <_<

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The complaint had been lodged and NZL had been given special permission.

Turning their backs and banging their sticks was: A Disrespectful - carrying on warming up wouldve been fine

B They made it harder for themselves by trashing a countries culture in front of them :P

I know alot of Irish people and they are great and I have never heard of them having a problem with the haka which is really whats weird about that

But this is getting A LOT off subject and is turning into a flame post

They turned their back to show they would not be intimidated, same way the rugby team has turned their back or walked right up to them when doing it.

It was their own intimidation thing.

I know a lot of Irish people too (possibly because I was born and raised there) and I agree, we are great!!! :lol:

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No one has complained about them doing it. When they do, it can be addressed at that stage. I don't see what the big deal is.


Read the linked article, the Irish team protested.

The complaint had been lodged and NZL had been given special permission.

Turning their backs and banging their sticks was: A Disrespectful - carrying on warming up wouldve been fine

B They made it harder for themselves by trashing a countries culture in front of them :P

I know alot of Irish people and they are great and I have never heard of them having a problem with the haka which is really whats weird about that

But this is getting A LOT off subject and is turning into a flame post <_< <_<

Disrespectful? Are you kidding me!? They are doing a war dance to intimidate the other team with once again, THROAT SLITTING GESTURES. They're lucky banging their sticks were all they did.

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It is a part of New Zealand culture and should be taken as such. Personally I would feel honoured to be able to perform the Haka as a way to share something of my countries culture and history as much as I would appreciate having it performed for me either as a competitor or spectator.

When nations get together for sporting events it is as much a sharing of culture and friendship as it is competition.

Fine, then the Polish team can dance a polka before games. See, kind of ridiculous when put in those terms, isn't it? No other nation's sports teams do a ceremonial dance before a match, what makes New Zealanders so special?

I would pay to see a hockey team that could pull this off, might need to call out the Zamboni afterward though.

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LOL it'll totally be worth it though

I would pay to see a hockey team that could pull this off, might need to call out the Zamboni afterward though.

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