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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"The right" wooden blade?!

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Does anybody know where I could get a standard hosel wooden blade with a similar pattern to P92/naslund (open mid-toe curve, similar to easton/sakic & warrior/draper, but isn't exactly the same) in lie 5 (instead of the standard 6 using Bauer scale - there seem to be disrepances between brands)?!

Lie 6 is way to high for me - the stick wears on the heel only, and puck are sliding under the toe with ease

I had 5.5 before (pro stock, not wooden) & it was better, but not ideal. So lie 5 would we just perfect!

any help please?!

{could junior blades be the answer? At least for warrior they have smaller lies - not sure about anything else blade length/hosel wise?}

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As Jarick said, the Montreal blades and the Euro curve are awesome (if you can find them). Be certain of the lie before you buy it. A lot of the Euros out there are lie 6. It's not a big transition (IMO) to go from the Naslund/Sakic to the Montreal Euro.

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You might also want to check into a Bauer P106. The curve is only slightly closer to the heel, has a similar profile and comes in a five lie.

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thanks for the replies!

re montreal - a quick google search showed some odd results, but it doesn't look that any major players (giant, monkey, icewarehouse etc) are carring it?

P106 is a heel curve - could try this as a last resort, but woud rather prefer to stick with a mid or toe curve

any advise on junior blades? anybody tried them out? would they even fit standard sr shafts?

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thanks for the replies!

re montreal - a quick google search showed some odd results, but it doesn't look that any major players (giant, monkey, icewarehouse etc) are carring it?

P106 is a heel curve - could try this as a last resort, but woud rather prefer to stick with a mid or toe curve

any advise on junior blades? anybody tried them out? would they even fit standard sr shafts?

No, they wouldn't. Sr. shafts are bigger than Jr.

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P106 is a heel curve - could try this as a last resort, but woud rather prefer to stick with a mid or toe curve

It's more of a mid-heel as opposed to the mid that is the sakic/P92.

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The Montreal M95 is the blade you're looking for, standard hosel wood blade with ABS core. They last forever and are nice and stiff.

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