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> my little brother's having trouble with bullies

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hey all

my little brother (grade 11) has been having some trouble with bullies as of late. just today one of them pulled him outside and made him kiss the guys shoes and apologize for telling the teacher that the guy stole his $$ at camp (which my brother swears the guy did).

i'm so tempted to get involved. but there's a few things i can do. i can call the guy up and confront him, or talk to the administration at my brother's school, or call the guy's parents and talk to them. what other options do YOU think would be good? What should I do? what should my brother do?


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You want to make sure that your brother doesn't come out of this looking like a pussy, and even though going to the administration is the "right" thing to do, I wouldn't suggest it. If it were my little brother, I'd get a group of my friends together and go talk to the kid. Scare him, but don't kick his ass or anything too drastic.

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We've had a problem with bulling in my town for a couple years now. I haven't realy seen anything work to deal with bullies except getting the school involved. The bully can either decide that he doesn't wanna go to the office anymore or just get mad and bully your brother more. The thing that really stopped the bullying here ws about 2 weeks go a kid commited suicide beacuse he was bullied. When you think about its a horrible way for someone to go ou and now everyone stops and thinks twice before bugging someone.

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id go and kick his ass. one kid was bullying my little cousin who was like 15. im 17, so me and my buddies drove to his school. told him if he did it again we would come back and kick the crap outta him. hasnt been bothered since.

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No one wants to promote violence or anything like that, but your brother's going to have to knuckle-up. Like Kosy said, going to the powers that be is the right thing to do, it's also the thing to do to make it a million times worse.

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No one wants to promote violence or anything like that, but your brother's going to have to knuckle-up. Like Kosy said, going to the powers that be is the right thing to do, it's also the thing to do to make it a million times worse.

so true. but id like them to be afraid to mess with my brother or cousin.

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just today one of them pulled him outside and made him kiss the guys shoes

woah that's harsh...what a sick school. Never seen that before, and I do NOT EVER want to see some kid forced to kiss someone's feet. That's just plain bullsh!t.

tell your brother and his friends stand up to him. dont just let them mess around with him.

I agree. If you intervene, then you could be screwing over yourself AND your brother. As long as your brother hangs around his friends, he'll be okay.

and even though going to the administration is the "right" thing to do, I wouldn't suggest it

The administration can't do anything. They'll just punish the bullies, and then it'll be a vicious cycle. My solution would probably be to tell your brother that he's either got to avoid people like that, or stand up to them. Plus, he's gotta stay in groups. Strays in high schools get ripped apart.

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More often than not, the bully is going to be a pussy anyway. And in the odd case he isn't, maybe he'll at least respect the fact they didn't back down. If not, then it's time for someone to take a ride.

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the reason i bring up admin is bullying has been a hotbutton as of late in vancouver and

i figure if i mentioned the word BULLY to the admin....and then say that i will be going to the MLA, MP, and the local MEDIA....i think they'd get a jump on pretty quick. this is an elite private school which cares about what the community thinks ... the thing is...do i want to bring out those big guns that fast?

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Alex - How old are the kids picking on your brother? I see a few solutions. One go to school with him one morning or after school stay with him and when you see the "bullies" grab one of the turn him around and tell your brother to start feeding him. More than likely your brother will refuse and the bully will know that his actions won't be tolerated. You could have him make sure he's always with a group and never alone, or else he could "knuckle-up" as Mack says and that should put an end to it.

tyler9 - We had a similar situation and have had a fair bit of suicides in schools because of this. It doesn't stop it, it will slow it down for a period, but within a month or so it'll be back to normal.

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Give your brother a pillowcase with a bar of soap. If your brother doesn't get it, give him Full Metal Jacket. If he still doesn't get it, hit him with it until he does.

Or, you can do the same with a bag full of quarters like in Mallrats.

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This has been happening forever. Assuming talking to the kid's parents doesn't work, it seldom does, you don't have many options. If it's bad, I say go straight to the police and file a report. You may have some luck with the school if you can prove that the kid has a conviction for assult on his record already.

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Give your brother a pillowcase with a bar of soap. If your brother doesn't get it, give him Full Metal Jacket. If he still doesn't get it, hit him with it until he does.

Or, you can do the same with a bag full of quarters like in Mallrats.

Not the best bruise-free damage that I'd recommend, but effective nevertheless.

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"Hit 'em with a sack full of oranges. It'll let them know who's boss and won't leave a bruise." Anybody else seen that family guy?

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i know crazy ideas seldom work, but why don't you try to.. somehow humiliate the bully ? once people stop respecting him and fearing him, he won't have the guts to bully other people :ph34r:

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I'm a little surprised that everyone thinks this kid will chicken out. All of the "bullies" in my area are legit. The majority of them are doing time right now and not because they stole someones bike. I'd definately be careful with whatever you do, some of these kids are unpredictable and no matter how big or tough you are you cannot be sure of what he has.

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elite private school

St. Georges or something?? You don't have to say...

I'm still going with a bat and a phone book.

how about a bat with a rusty nail lodged in it?

If you're willing to risk getting charged, just rough him up a little. Maybe kidnap him and leave him at stanley park or something with an "I'm a Dumbass" sign painted on his back.

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Old problem that goes on from generation to generation.

Have him take some self defense classes and or boxing. If he has to use it he will be confident that he can defend himself more than be an agressor.

Knowing how to defend with agression is key. No talking or pushing ... get the first and the last punch.

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I'd agree with ponty...Self Defence may be a good idea. The bully won't have any fun bullying if he knows the kid can defend himself....

Might I recommend Jiu Jitsu (Or Brazilian JJ). My brother runs a club in Nova Scotia, and I've seen some of the stuff they can do. It's quite the tool if you know how to use it...Doesn't look like much, but damn you can F*** a guy up.

Mind you the key would be not letting anyone know he's training and then not looking for a fight, but should the fight ever come...he'd be ready for it.

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