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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Highest level you've played

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What bis the highest level of hockey ou have played or which level is a reseanoble? I have absolutely no skill, so i'll play high school for maybe -3 years and play senior leagues. how about you guys?

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What bis the highest level of hockey ou have played or which level is a reseanoble? I have absolutely no skill, so i'll play high school for maybe -3 years and play senior leagues. how about you guys?

My highest so far has been Midget AA. I'm looking to play Junior A within the next 2 years, then D3 or a good ACHA team, then hopefully in a pro league. Don't put yourself down though dude, if you want it bad enough you can play anywhere. Just look at David Perron

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