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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recoloring Gloves

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Order him that model with your colors? Or tell him tough. IMO its making a bad example if someone can keep their old gloves just because they were really good and played juniors, while everyone else playing needs the team specific gear. Electrical tape and gorilla glue worked well for me when I tried it. Don't know if you'll get a full season out of them, as I got new gloves about 2 months in. Worked fine until then however.

Up to you, just wouldn't recommend messing with gloves. Could disrupt chemistry. During HS the worst player on varsity was coaches' kid, and he played first line everything. Disrupted the entire team even those who weren't on his line, as it set a bad example. Kid also was wearing about $2000 grand in gear which didn't make us feel any better. I just would get same model and make everything easier.

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If the coach backs him up your only real choice may be to spray paint them. It will look like shit, if it works. Obviously a new pair in the proper color would make sense if he doesn't want to wear the team gloves, but that should be on his dime.

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Just spray paint them, who cares, let him wear his old gloves. I spraypainted an old pair of Vaughns once and they looked fine. Might be different if they're nylon though.

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raganblink- most of our players have played some major junior hockey somewhere in the CHL, it's really not a big deal. The entire team doesn't get all new matching gloves either, just mostly new players and senior players that have had the same gloves for a long time. A lot of the guys like the gloves they got (pro stock XXXX's and one95's) but this one player just likes his CCM's. Ordering him a pair of CCM's the same may be out of the question as well, as they don't make them anymore, but i'm definatly going to look into that on monday.

I think spraypaint or some tape is the best way to go, i'm just worried that the tape will fall off too frequently or that the spray paint won't adhere and will turn his hands blue and everything the gloves touch. I'll let you guys know what happens

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Ordering him a pair of CCM's the same may be out of the question as well, as they don't make them anymore, but i'm definatly going to look into that on monday.

Well if you can't get the model he likes he's going to go through them sooner or later. If he isn't too much of a prima donna like Jagr with his old gloves get a set of Reebok pro Tacks and tell him he needs to conform and this is the closest you can comewith today's offerings.

I assume he's only got one pair of already used gloves- use the time it takes those to die to get him in something modern and tweak that to suit him. I imagine it would be easier to modify the cuff and gussets on a modern glove to tweak it for him than it would be to keep a single pair of wrongly colored gloves alive.

Would Canucks, Edmonton or "navy" Tacks from Hockey Monkey work?





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By suggesting new gloves I think you guys are missing the point, some people prefer old, worn in stuff.

If they're leather/synthetic paint them. If Nylon, definitely do not. I just remembered these old pair of nylon Winwells I had when I was a kid that I spraypainted for street hockey. They smelled really badly, and would definitely be unmanageable unless the guy happens to be addicted to paint chips, which he might given you're on the east coast? haha jk.

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you could try fabric dye, like rit dye. if you black i'd say kiwi edge dressing. if you go this route give them plenty of time to dry.

I thought about the fabric dye, and i think it would be the best route to go with, but i thought that with the RIT dye you had to submerge whatever you're dying in it? If that's the case then it would be out of the questions because it would ruin the insides of the gloves and the palms.

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I've used fabric markers on dark colors to make gloves black. Not sure about other coloring, you might have to bleach first then die. Seems kind of intense.

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you tell him to suck it cus hes not in the show yet... thats what the equipment manager i work for says to players. this is in the coast btw

or you can tell him that your gonna try to recolor them and then intentionally fuck them up so he cant wear them then just give him team gloves

however my solutions may not make friends with the guy

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