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Bauer 9500 helmet

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It's brand new but it's two season old. It's been discontinued and bauer has already said they have new stuff for next year. If you want the highest end it's the nikebauer 9500

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i want to get whatever the newest top end bauer helmet is gonna be.

Where do you plan on buying this helmet? What if the helmet does not fit your head properly? WTF are you going to do then? How many pros do you see in a NBH 9500 compared to other models?

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Thank god bauer is discontuning this. Now hopefully they can get rid of all the 8000's as well and replace them all with good looking helmets (examples ; bauer 4500, vector v10). Hopefully there next line of helmets dont make the wearer look like a bobble head.

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It's brand new but it's two season old. It's been discontinued and bauer has already said they have new stuff for next year. If you want the highest end it's the nikebauer 9500

If I remember correctly there was a limited amount of time where the "New Bauer" was permitted to sell existing products and after that they would have to pay a royalty to Nike. If that is true, it would explain why such a new product was being discontinued. Then again, I could be wrong.

the higher the model number the better protection it has,


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do bauer 4500 helmets fit good? the only reason a i got an 8000 is cause i heard they protect your better.

I cant comment on if they fit good because I dont know the shape of your head. They fit me good, I prefer the 4500 over the 8500/9500 any day. Not just basing that on the looks but the price, the protection and the comfort. There far more comfortable and the protection isnt bad at all. These people who are convinced they have to keep buying the highest up model and the most expensive helmet out there are stupid, buy what feels looks and costs the best for your means, I much prefer my 4500 over my 8k, had to wear a 8500 once and hated it. Not only that but they look terrible.

On another note, that must be why they call him dumbpolak.

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