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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10K Pro return sticks

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Just picked up a Matt Hunwick one at the Bruins pro shop. It's game used, but it was only $70, so I thought it was worth a shot. It's an A1T, so I guess that mean's another number thrown into the mix? The blade is a little thick and is a flat black color, and reminds me a lot of the old TPS response that I had.

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Just picked up a Matt Hunwick one at the Bruins pro shop. It's game used, but it was only $70, so I thought it was worth a shot. It's an A1T, so I guess that mean's another number thrown into the mix? The blade is a little thick and is a flat black color, and reminds me a lot of the old TPS response that I had.

i think that means its a wood blade? someone correct me if im wrong.

i know i saw a pro stock spezza and it was an A1T, and i believe that was the setup he used.

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Just picked up a Matt Hunwick one at the Bruins pro shop. It's game used, but it was only $70, so I thought it was worth a shot. It's an A1T, so I guess that mean's another number thrown into the mix? The blade is a little thick and is a flat black color, and reminds me a lot of the old TPS response that I had.

i think that means its a wood blade? someone correct me if im wrong.

i know i saw a pro stock spezza and it was an A1T, and i believe that was the setup he used.

Blade is definitely not wood. You can see the carbon fiber weave.

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Just picked up a Matt Hunwick one at the Bruins pro shop. It's game used, but it was only $70, so I thought it was worth a shot. It's an A1T, so I guess that mean's another number thrown into the mix? The blade is a little thick and is a flat black color, and reminds me a lot of the old TPS response that I had.

i think that means its a wood blade? someone correct me if im wrong.

i know i saw a pro stock spezza and it was an A1T, and i believe that was the setup he used.

Blade is definitely not wood. You can see the carbon fiber weave.

you talkin about the spezza? I saw an A3T 10k spezza and the blade was defiantly wood

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i'm pretty sure the number is associated with the shaft rather than the blade...as the blades types are all over the place

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Just picked up a Matt Hunwick one at the Bruins pro shop. It's game used, but it was only $70, so I thought it was worth a shot. It's an A1T, so I guess that mean's another number thrown into the mix? The blade is a little thick and is a flat black color, and reminds me a lot of the old TPS response that I had.

i think that means its a wood blade? someone correct me if im wrong.

i know i saw a pro stock spezza and it was an A1T, and i believe that was the setup he used.

Blade is definitely not wood. You can see the carbon fiber weave.

you talkin about the spezza? I saw an A3T 10k spezza and the blade was defiantly wood

I was talking about the Hunwick.

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can you install a replacement blade if i broke this stick ?

i bought off a 10K pro stock return shaft off one of the guys on here...its an actual shaft (not a broken one piece) and have a warrior draper blade in there...its got great puck feel and for the 100 flex it states on the stick (i usually use between 77-85 flex) it feel slightly softer as i intend on using it for defence....really really really light overall stick. liking it alot. hope this helps.

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Hey guys. I know everything about prostock stuff. Thus the name. Here is the listing code to your "problem"

A1T = Regular OPS

A2T = Composite 10k shaft w. composite blade

A3T = same as A2T but has a special coating on the blade

A4T = 10k shaft w. wooden blade that is fuzed

And no Spezza uses an A4T

A4T and A2T are the most used.

Hope this helps. If anyone needs anymore info feel free to contact me

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Hey guys. I know everything about prostock stuff. Thus the name. Here is the listing code to your "problem"

A1T = Regular OPS

A2T = Composite 10k shaft w. composite blade

A3T = same as A2T but has a special coating on the blade

A4T = 10k shaft w. wooden blade that is fuzed

And no Spezza uses an A4T

A4T and A2T are the most used.

Hope this helps. If anyone needs anymore info feel free to contact me

Cool, and thanks! I picked up four 10k tapered shafts, two 85 flex, two 100 flex, all "A3T". I really like them so far, its a very light shaft for sure. What blades are yall putting in your 10k shafts? I have SE16 blades in all of mine right now, and I cant say anything too bad about them. My only beef is that I have to put two pieces of tape on the narrow side of the blade tenon for it to fit snug(w/ glue). Are Bauer, Warrior, ect. blades fitting better for any yas?

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My A2C was a true one piece. Actually ,both of the A2Cs I had were one piece sticks.

Trust me it is not. They have highly trained equipment managers specialy fuze a composite blade. It might be very hard to tell.

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so what are the retail 10k's?

As in are they true OPSs? They say it is BUT the blade is inserted into the shaft during the making of the stick. They then put layers of carbon fiber to finish the stick and then they call it a true one-piece.

Retail 10Ks aren't made by the same company as the pro stock sticks are, so there isn't really a reason to speak of them in this thread.

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Who makes the the pro-stocks and who makes the retail sticks? Is it the same for CCM and how many stick manufacturers are there?

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I have an A1T and there is like a rough coating on the blade and up onto the shaft where the sickickII logo. Is that the Ztac?

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Hey guys. I know everything about prostock stuff. Thus the name. Here is the listing code to your "problem"

A1T = Regular OPS

A2T = Composite 10k shaft w. composite blade

A3T = same as A2T but has a special coating on the blade

A4T = 10k shaft w. wooden blade that is fuzed

And no Spezza uses an A4T

A4T and A2T are the most used.

Hope this helps. If anyone needs anymore info feel free to contact me

I have a kovalchuk 10k and it says A4T, no 12k weave ont he shaft and the blade is like that on the vector 10.0 sticks.

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