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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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REEBOK 10k Broken OPS

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if you're really commited to making it work, cut it to the length you want and drill out/dremel the inside until it fits the blade you want to use. it's labor intensive, but the hard work creates a special bond between you and your new stick ;). I've gotten more enjoyment out of spending a few hours building a stick than buying one off the shelf.

i second that. i gave my brother my sherwood momentum xtd broken stick. i had to put the blade in it for him and i still love that stick for ball hockey lol.

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I cannot find the post that has te picture of where to cut the stick so whoever mentioned can you give me the link or post it? Also, what exactly is a dremel and where can I find one and how do I use it? Im new to this.

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It would be cool if someone made a tutorial with pictures, would be cool to see the process.

have a look through this thread, a number of members have posted very useful pictures.

Aha it wasn't actually my loss, my buddy is really hard on sticks and he always break them at the blade so he tosses them my way for free :). Are you sure I can't get it chizzled out anyway? and how far will I have to cut it to fit a taper blade?

Thanks for the responses guys

that's an easy answer, the inside dimensions of the taper shaft is approximately 14 mm x 26 mm so you keep cutting until you have those measurements. If its smaller than the tapered blade will most likely not fit.

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Just get the blade, and cut off bit by bit until it's a perfect fit. It doesn't take nearly long enough to make it necessary to have an exact spot.

Yeah, just start at the end and cut off little by little. When my One95 broke I cut an inch or so off at a time until it looked like I was getting close, then I started taking 1/2" off at a time. By the time I was done though the shaft was so short I had to put about a 6" plug in it to make it useable.

6 inch plug ? That just goes to show the shaft and blade used for the OPS is not the same 2 piece shaft and blade you buy in retail stores. The OPS shaft taper and inside hosel is more narrow.

I think there are exceptions though, I believe TPS shaft and blade dimensions are the same.

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Just get the blade, and cut off bit by bit until it's a perfect fit. It doesn't take nearly long enough to make it necessary to have an exact spot.

Yeah, just start at the end and cut off little by little. When my One95 broke I cut an inch or so off at a time until it looked like I was getting close, then I started taking 1/2" off at a time. By the time I was done though the shaft was so short I had to put about a 6" plug in it to make it useable.

6 inch plug ? That just goes to show the shaft and blade used for the OPS is not the same 2 piece shaft and blade you buy in retail stores. The OPS shaft taper and inside hosel is more narrow.

I think there are exceptions though, I believe TPS shaft and blade dimensions are the same.

i've got a one95 shaft that fits tapered blades pefectly

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i turned one of these into a tapered shaft. it feels awful but i did it pretty easily. too boxy for me.

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I cannot find the post that has te picture of where to cut the stick so whoever mentioned can you give me the link or post it? Also, what exactly is a dremel and where can I find one and how do I use it? Im new to this.


You can see where RBK joins the blade to the 10k shaft right there. I used a saw and cut right at that spot, and slid a tapered blade right in.

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I've had a bunch of pro stock 10ks, I've turned some of them into tapered shafts. It is fairly easy, on the A2Ts I've had if the blade breaks you can cut very low on the shaft and have a nice taper, because the blade isnt fused you dont have to worry about grinding shit out of the way. I havent tried this on any of my A3Ts but I believe they may be a little trickier since they are fused blades. Again, with pro stocks you really dont know what youre dealling with all the time, some sticks might work others might not.

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I cannot find the post that has te picture of where to cut the stick so whoever mentioned can you give me the link or post it? Also, what exactly is a dremel and where can I find one and how do I use it? Im new to this.


You can see where RBK joins the blade to the 10k shaft right there. I used a saw and cut right at that spot, and slid a tapered blade right in.

exactly where on the stick is that? I cant tell because it is so zoomed in

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that looks like it just above the blade... you can see the top part of the shaft starting to curve a little on the right side of the picture.

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Just look at where the blade normally joins the shaft on any tapered stick, you can see the joint if you look closely.

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