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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Please god help with the smell

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Never had a problem with my equipment smelling before, but lately it has become putrid. I switch some of my stuff like gloves, helmet, shin guards between both my roller and ice hockey bags and they are starting to smell terrible. If anyone has any process for getting the smell out of gloves especially without using chemicals I would appreciate the advice. I don't like using chemicals to get rid of smell just because there is nothing worse to me than that crappy hockey smell mixed with a chemical odor.

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70% isopropyl alcohol sprayed on anything NOT made of leather or synthetic leather (eg. glove palms, skates) after every skate, and a few times in between; really saturate it the first couple of times. NOK-Out is a pet deoderiser that works quite well to reduce the smell once you've killed everything with the alcohol. Use a toothbrush to scrub a shaving gel (NOT cream!) with lanolin (usually listed as an additive on the can) into the glove palms. As for the skates... forget about it. Alcohol may dry out the materials, shaving gel will gunk up the liner (since it can't evaporate), and steam will effectively re-bake the skate and break it down.

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Just washed some of my kids gear yesterday in the Machine. Who would have thought Minimite gear could get funky.

Sweathog like daddy.

OO and Roller Hockey gear is the smelliest thing I have ever encountered. I dont know if it because it never gets wet, but damn roller hockey dressing room is generally the worse smelling then Ice.

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most of my stuff is actually OK smel wise, but my gloves smell like wet dog, it is horrible. I am contemplating throwing them in the washer but Im hesitant because it may ruin the palms.

Usually airing them out right after practice is the way to go. Once you cant air stuff out and it has to sit in your bag for a few hours you really have to wash it in order to remove the smell.

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