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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Skate Transistion Questions/Issues

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Graf 703's on HockeyMonkey.

I have come back from the good old US of A loaded up thats for sure. New sticks, gloves are working well, but my new skates are very ho hum thus far.

I have skated on my new Graf 703's about 2-3 times. I have also baked them twice and still get a numb right foot + minor cramping in the same foot in between skating streches, whilst on the bench. As they are a more tradtional fitting skate I understand that they may take longer to break in. But I feel like at this point, even with an extra bake or two I maybe flogging a proverbial dead horse. What makes matters worse is that my right foot is a size 9 and my left is a size 8 (sz 9R Grafs for the record.)

What do you guys suggest?

- Perservere with the 703's? Keep breaking them in through skating, they'll be fine come April (season start)

- Bake them once or twice and get them feeling nice + skate more in them?

- Cut my losses, Ebay the Grafs and get some ONE75's or ONE95's when they go on closeout in a few mths time?

- Something I haven't thought of yet?

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Price was one consideration, ONE95's are still expensive. The supposed "expert" at HockeyMonkey fitted me to the 703's claiming they were a similar fit to ONE90's. They felt good in the shop, evern after the bake but from the experience, plus JR's comment I'm starting to think otherwise.

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I love a good tight fight that’s the problem. I tried loosening in between skates, ended up loosing an edge a few times as the loose lace up left me feeling slightly floppy in the skate.

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Have you tried just looseing them slightly around the top of the arch and toward your toes? My Grafs would give my feet some grief if I yanked them too tightly in the lower thrid of the skate.

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Have you tried just looseing them slightly around the top of the arch and toward your toes? My Grafs would give my feet some grief if I yanked them too tightly in the lower thrid of the skate.

I will give that a go. See how it goes, update you guys where possible.

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