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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do YOU do with your sticks that are on their way out?

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They get put in a pile where I'll get them attached to my bar as soon as I figure out how I want them arranged.

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They get put in a pile where I'll get them attached to my bar as soon as I figure out how I want them arranged.

I was thinking about doing that with my broken sticks. Either facing the front of the bar or on top with glass over them.

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sometimes i really envy you guys who have their own sanctuary at home in the basement or something. back home all we have is a pigeon hole flat... not much space to do much, let alone hang gear.

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Wood glue forms a nice strong bond with carbon fiber, and is pretty stiff when it dries.

It can also be found holding a couple of my Synergy II blades together. I got one to last about 3 months after the first crack.

As for OPS, whenever my dad breaks one of his sticks, it gets put in a pile in the garage. As soon as I get around to it, they get turned into tapered shafts. And as I have not yet broken a shaft, there are a bunch of Synergy shafts in my garage at home. If I keep with two pieces, I don't think I'll run out of shafts in my life.

So I fall into the "milk it" camp.

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They get put in a pile where I'll get them attached to my bar as soon as I figure out how I want them arranged.

I was thinking about doing that with my broken sticks. Either facing the front of the bar or on top with glass over them.

Thinking of the edging or the front. The top is NHL team pucks and assorted personal ones. Stool legs are going to be old bats and I'm hoping to get some soccer ball-ish cushions done but we'll see how that goes.

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Keep bringing the cracked stick as a backup... when a teammate needs to borrow a stick, let him use your cracked one so when he finishes it off, he feels so guilty he buys you a new one. jk... I'm not really THAT guy.

I'll keep using a stick with a minor crack... at least for dryland work. There's always a use for broken sticks around the yard... or build a hat/coat/equipment rack out of a few of them.

Thats a really good idea, jk

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They get put in a pile where I'll get them attached to my bar as soon as I figure out how I want them arranged.

I was thinking about doing that with my broken sticks. Either facing the front of the bar or on top with glass over them.

Thinking of the edging or the front. The top is NHL team pucks and assorted personal ones. Stool legs are going to be old bats and I'm hoping to get some soccer ball-ish cushions done but we'll see how that goes.

Pictures when it's done...sounds like a cool Man cave/sports bar set up.

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