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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Movies with good/inspiring speeches or quotes

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Glen Gary Glen Ross Baldwin part and Boiler Room 'interview' for sure.

If I had a nickel for every-time I had to sit through one of those in a sales meeting...

That alone make me happy I'm not in sales anymore!

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It's not really a sales meeting, it's trying to rally the whole company to get behind the changes we have to make. I think my work is a little to PC to show GlenGarry GlenRoss anyway.

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Then don't look into Boiler Room either... Its also about sales and probably 2-3x more obscene...

Can you just show set some time aside and show the full length 'Rudy'?

If that doesn't fire them up nothing will.

(although now I see you're in OH... and may not have too many ND fans...) :)

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Thanks for all your advice and suggestions everyone. I'm presenting this to my bosses tomorrow and it will eventually be used at our annual company breakfast. It's basically to lead into our VP's speech about getting on board/being willing to make changes, etc.

I could only use clips I could find on youtube so the quality sucks and I was limited to what was out there (not to mention it could be a case study on copyright infringement). I kinda felt like they asked me to paint the Mona Lisa with diarrhea, but I digress. I still have some volume issues to iron out but other than that it's finished. Let me know if you have any suggestions based on what I've got, especially regarding the order of the clips.

Thanks again for all your help!



*forgot to add that I had to use windows movie maker to produce this b/c my work is too cheap to buy me any real software. That's also the reason for the long dead time after the video ends. Movie maker always seems to do that to me and trying to clip it just creates chaos.

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