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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ankle pain with vapor XXXX's

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I'm trying to break in my vapor 40's but, they are almost digging in to the top of my ankles when I lean forward or when I put pressure on the front of the skate. I have both of my ankles rubbed red and sometimes when I go to practice I just can't skate period! What can I do to reduce this rubbing, or make it more bearable for skating ?

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Buy skates with more volume. You might have a high volume foot, and the Vapors arent designed for higher volume feet.

I had the exact same problem, but it was worse as when I leaned forward the ankle that you mentioned had this excrutiating pain. Had to go to the hospital to get it checked out, doc saying it was sub-tissue trauma... basically a really bad bruise.

Did you try the pencil test with these skates?

You might want to consider skates like the RBK, Bauer Flexlite, or the One95 (thanks for the tip JR).

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I had the same exact problem. My XXXX’s killed my inner ankles when I skated and over time the pain got worse making it unbearable to skate. I had them re baked, punched, the whole nine yards and it only delayed the problems. I switched to one95’s and now have no ankle pain.

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I had the same exact problem. My XXXX’s killed my inner ankles when I skated and over time the pain got worse making it unbearable to skate. I had them re baked, punched, the whole nine yards and it only delayed the problems. I switched to one95’s and now have no ankle pain.

same here with Eastons first, then to one75s and they fit great. Like others have said, you need more volume.

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I found out the hard way that my foot needs more volume. I've purchased numerous skates in the past 3 years (mostly from MSH) that havent been able to really fit well.

JR pointed me in the right direction, and I think I owe him a few beers for the frustrating time I've given him thru PMs and msgs...

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we all learned the hard way... yeah, I was always in the vapor line and always in pain

bucked down, bought a new pair of one95s and they are the most comfortable skate ive ever used, just needed more volume

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I did do they pencil test and it seemed as though they'd be fine, I guess not though. Myabe if I took out the hard inserts in the tongue could that help >?

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tony... sell the skates, they wont fit you if you have a higher volume foot. Get some one95, and you should be good

I'm going to just watch ebay for a pair... anyone wanna sell a pair of 8D one95?

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If I remember correctly stores aren't getting any more stock so they price is probably set until they run out. I'd try ebay for a pair, probably looking around 500+US at least.

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Keep in mind that you can have similar issues for the opposite reason as well. If there is too much volume and you compensate by unevenly over-tightening your laces, this focuses a lot of force over small portions of your foot which can cause bruising, chafing, etc. A classic example of this is arch pain caused by having tight laces over your arch when the rest of the boot isn't fitting snugly elsewhere. The arch gets cramped and has to deal with a lot of force because it's the only part of the foot well attached to the boot.

You need to make sure you have adequate volume with a snug fit all through the heel/ankle up through your arch/instep.

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