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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X:60 Stick Complaint

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You can still get your 150$ OPS's... The only difference now, is that there are much more variety in terms of models. I will never pay MSRP for any sticks/hockey equipment anymore. Through hookups and the sticks Sports Exchange has, there is no reason to. I picked up the Kronik from SE for 160 with warranty. I am waiting for them to get some One95s.

Dolos are 150, yes.

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so the X60 is a fragile stick...damn, I just got one last week.

I played 2 games with it so far, no problems yet. I love that stick, best stick I ever used...by far

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sounds like the first few weeks of one95 release all over again. I ordered one as well for my gf so lets hope it will last for her.

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Not exactly a complaint but can anyone who's used an S17 and an X60 compare the two, shooting wise? I like the S17 feel but I hated the XXXX..

I'm absolutely hooked on the S17 right now.. I'm thinking about getting an X60 custom for the tactile+stick'um but I'd be pretty disappointed

if I spent all that money on a stick only to go back to the S17.

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I've been using my X:60 for about 3 weeks, today I used it at a stick and puck session. After a couple slap shots the puck seemed like it was just dying on the blade like the stick was broken, but there are no cracks on the shaft or blade. Isit possible for it to be broken on the inside?

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Mine cracked right in the middle of the blade and the crack is going up and back diagonally right along the carbon fiber weave, only after 2 weeks

My shaft doesn't have any signs of damage however.

It's such a shame, this is one great shooting stick :(

Only other stick I've eve broken was a 1.5 yr old one90 which broke at the shaft due to a slash

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Buddy of mine broke his yesterday...middle of the blade on a slapshot, 3 games in. It's too bad...he was going on and on about how great it was.

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Mine has been the best shooting stick I've used so far (pretty much have used all of the "stick of the month" people like on here) and has lasted almost 2 months so far playing 3-4 times a week. Still feels great, but then again I rarely take slappers.

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My brother and I both bought one in the beginning of October, his broke a little after a month of having it, about 4 inches above the blade. Mine is still going strong, but I only use it once or twice a week for drop in hockey. I agree that this is the best shooting stick I have ever used.

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2 flex points - was that the concept behind the Bauer Tri-Flex from a few years ago?

What's the difference between the X:60's 2 flex points, and the Bauer Tri-Flex's?

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2 flex points - was that the concept behind the Bauer Tri-Flex from a few years ago?

What's the difference between the X:60's 2 flex points, and the Bauer Tri-Flex's?

I thought tri meant three..

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2 flex points - was that the concept behind the Bauer Tri-Flex from a few years ago?

What's the difference between the X:60's 2 flex points, and the Bauer Tri-Flex's?

I thought tri meant three..

Two flex points would create three zones.

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If anybody wanted to see where mine broke. It started at the bottom and I just used it till she broke.


That's exactly what my second broken x:60 looked like.

The sticks they sent back to me on warranty haven't broken on me yet, but one of them feels like the blade has just gone completely dead. My shots tend to flutter off the blade weird and seem to have no consistency, but if I switch back to my other one I have no problems with it at all, pretty weird (no noticeable damage on the blade either). Does anyone else feel like it doesn't get great feel on the puck though? I like the way the x:60 shoots, but I liked the way the puck felt on my stick a lot more with the xxxx

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They must be stealing Easton's blades! those things crack like they are paper mache

ye but eastons at least have good feel, x:60s have jack :P

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Ive ahd one for about a month now and i love it best stick I've ever had. I think its actually really durable i actually got mine becasue i broke a one 95 shaft in one gaem they told me they didn't have anymore shafts so they would send me a one95 one piece they messed up adn sent me an x60 but hey im not complaining :D

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^ REALLY? I broke 4 over the summer... <_< But in the way of X:60's, my shaft seems to be holding up very well about one month in now. Can't comment on the one piece though.

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