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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some questions on skate profiling.

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I feel like I'm a bit on my heels when I skate so I was looking into getting my skates profiled. I have seen people comment about how they have a +1 or whatever their preference is profile, along with their radius. Should I just go in and ask the shop if I can get say a 9 foot radius with a +1, or slight forward lean? I'm not too concerned about the radius, as I will likely stick to whatever is on the skate, just have it done so both skates are identical, the forward lean is what I'm really interested in. Is profiling a good option? Do people still get it done and does it help to improve your skating?

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I recently started using a combination radius (larger radius in the rear and shorter radius on the front) and have been very happy with that. Maybe a combination radius would be a better solution that going with a 9' radius. As far as the pitch goes, maybe you should consider adjusting the holder instead of taking more steel of the blade. I'll let the more knowledgeable posters chime in on that.

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See if they can watch you skate. I had one done via questionnaire and it didn't do much for me.

Not all have that skill to determine that. You're generalizing things. :)

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See if they can watch you skate. I had one done via questionnaire and it didn't do much for me.

Not all have that skill to determine that. You're generalizing things. :)

Haha, live and learn! Oh well, it was only $30 and the steel was almost gone anyway.

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For the OP, your best bet is to try a little bit of tinkering to find what works for you. If you find you're on your heels then it could mean your profile is too long and not letting you get forward or it could mean you need a bit of forward pitch added to your profile. Some folks have solved pitch problems by adding lifts under their heels, as well.

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Talk to a sharpener who knows what they are doing and they can either add pitch by profiling the blades or they could install heel lifts. either way is simple and effective.

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Thanks for all the advice. I'm pretty much just a stick and puck guy. I go out for a few hours a couple times a month and shoot around or play some pick-up. I don't want to go with anything super complicated like a compound radius. I think I'll just have to talk to a few places and get some more input before I go changing things up too much.

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Don't eliminate the compound radius so fast.

I had a pair of skates I hated until I got a compound radius done.

Make one change at time however. Go with the +1 first and then maybe later try the compound radius.

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