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7k Sickick vs Prolite

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Edit: figured one thing out, still got questions.

I'm looking for a new stick and saw a bunch of 7k Sickicks on clearance. My backup right now is a 7k Prolite II OPS that was turned into a tapered shaft that I love aside from it being way too short. The flex seems pretty similar.

Are these the same stick with different graphics/textures or are they constructed different? Is the quality the same? And are the blades any decent?

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the prolite is all-around better. better blade, lighter, kicks a bit more, but a lot more fragile. sickick's aren't bad by any means, but something like a bauer one75 or equivalent would probably perform better.

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I liked my 7k. still kick my self in the ass for destroying it. loved the kickpoint. pretty light stick too.

Only complaint is the blade is a bit weaker than some of my other sticks and it lost some feel pretty quickly.

how much are the clearance sticks you're finding? i'd love to get some more.

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The pro-lite was prone to a bit of blade torque and had kind of a weird puck feel. Great weight and balance, plus it shot really well though.

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They're $90.

When I looked up the Sickick and Prolite 7k's in the '07 and '08 RBK catalogs, there appears to be no difference aside from the grip and graphics. Both sticks are listed at 460 grams and have the same feature list.

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Sorry to hijack but what about the 7K Sickick vs. X:40?

I cant speak for the 7K Sickick, but I recently bought an X:40 and I can say that it's a pretty good stick at its price point. While not as light as top-end sticks, the X:40 is noticably lighter than many sticks at or below its price point. The only problem I have with it is that puck feel isn't as good as it should be

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i had a 7k sickkick and i loved it. lasted about 25 games then snapped about where the blade and shaft were fused. overall great stick and very light. was very disappointed when it broke

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I still have my 7k sickick from 08 and the only complaint I had is it's a bit blade heavy and the blade loses it's feeling pretty quick, Ive had mine for well over 5 months and it's holding up fine besides the blade. The shaft indeed is nice and whippy which I love! Now to find a way to get the blade out of the 7k one piece without destroying the taper point.

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I did pick up the Sickick, cut it down, feels just like the Pro Lite. Blade seems pretty good, very stiff, and playing around with a golf ball it feels pretty good (better than the Vapor XXV/XXXX and older Dolomite, on par with Dolomite HD, not as good as One95 of course). Bergeron curve is going to be fun, I like a bigger mid curve. The square toe and flatter rocker should also be interesting.

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FYI, used the Sickick last night, best stick I've used to date. First shot in warmups, right off the pipe and in. Slappers load up better and are exactly where I want them (unlike the One95). Wristers come off fast and right where I want them. Had five passes from my goal line to the far blue line right on the tape. Square blade really helped with poke checks and grabbing the puck along the boards. Just the absolute perfect flex, stick, and curve for me.

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Quick update,

Stats with Dolomite: 8g 14a in 13 games

Stats with One95: 0g 1a in 6 games

Stats with Sickick: 1g 3a in 3 games

Apparently I really don't get along with mid kick sticks, switched it up and everything's right back to normal.

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Quick update,

Stats with Dolomite: 8g 14a in 13 games

Stats with One95: 0g 1a in 6 games

Stats with Sickick: 1g 3a in 3 games

Apparently I really don't get along with mid kick sticks, switched it up and everything's right back to normal.

Interesting, but its not the sticks that got you those stats you know so this is kind of pointless. It would be better to compare them by feel/weight than by stats

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if you've seen his other posts you'll know that he can't shoot the one95 for crap, the kickpoint ain't right for him, thats what he's pointing out more

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Well, keep in mind that this is all actually a pretty small sample size. There are so many variables involved that this kind of comparison isn't really all that conclusive. That said, use what you are comfortable with. Sounds like the RBK stick is working so stick with it.

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