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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheapest place to buy CCM Vector Pro's?

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What is the cheapest online store that sells CCM Vector Pro's? Most stores i've found are selling them for well over $400+ and the cheapest i've found so far is 24/7 Hockey which has them for $399, anywhere else that is cheaper?


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Wow, $319 is an amazing price for Vector Pro's.

I wear a senior size 7E, do you own a store? Do you have a website link?

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I don't own it, but it's even in your own state...:)

What? lol.

I'd definitely like to take you up on that offer of $319, could you give me some more information, where can I place the order? Thanks

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Wait, Vector Pro?

Oops...thought we were talking about Pro Tacks. I had a rough day at work yesterday.

The Pro Tacks are at that price.

Accord, I work at RDV Sportsplex in Orlando.

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i dont suggest getting the vector pros. they have problems with t he boot breaking in the middle on the underside. i no from it happening to two pairs while talking to a ccm rep he told me that that is a common problem with them that i s why the they have to 04 vector 7.0 ml skates the design is alittle differnt but the bottom is reinforced.

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i dont suggest getting the vector pros. they have problems with t he boot breaking in the middle on the underside. i no from it happening to two pairs while talking to a ccm rep he told me that that is a common problem with them that i s why the they have to 04 vector 7.0 ml skates the design is alittle differnt but the bottom is reinforced.

I was reading the forums on CCM's website and a ton of people were having problems with the boot cracking and whatnot and all sorts of problems so I just said screw it and went down to my LHS and bought a pair of Graf 705's :D.

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What's your LHS? How much were they selling for?

I bought them from Glacier Ice Arena in Pompano Beach, I believe they were $379.

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Not sure about the Vector Pros. My buddy's pair just did the same thing as this guy's pair...


Another pair I saw has started to develop a small tear in the same area, but has not fully ripped completely through yet. Another friend of mine has already bent the crap out of his lace locks.

Not saying they are a bad skate but I have seen quite a few problems pop up with them in the last few weeks from various people at different levels of play.

I want to add that CCM has been good about taking the defective skates back, so there is some comfort in knowing that if you do have a problem then you probably won't have to suffer through poor customer service.

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