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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve + Flex

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I'm heading out of juniors into intermediate sticks and have somewhat of a problem...

-I only used an Yzerman before, but I can't now

-My lhs thought an Iginla would be good but they don't come in 75's

-Would an 85 be to stiff for a guy whos 13 and just got out of 50?

-I'd prefer to stay with Easton if at all possible and I refuse to use a Modano

-Thanks for the help.

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id go a sakic 75, both the jr yzerman and sr sakic have round toes, and are mid/toe curves, also why not check out something another company, like vapor xx lindros, or tps messier

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Would you be willing to R2 or Xn10 R2 whip flex with an Iggy synth blade? This should give you the 75 flex and the curve you are after.

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Would you be willing to R2 or Xn10 R2 whip flex with an Iggy synth blade? This should give you the 75 flex and the curve you are after.

Brendl senior blade fits the TPS R2xn10 INT as well. Getting away from the big curve will help your game though.

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I just suggested a senior because he said he wanted to stick with Easton, at least this way he could keep the blades. I am not sure if an int TPS fits senior Eastons (never used int sticks). Wouldn't the Brendl be closer to the sr. Yzerman than the junior?

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I'm using an XX Lindros at the moment, nick. The grip is much to sticky for my liking. I don't really want to go to TPS... since I don't really pay attention to them and my lhs doesn't carry many products. I'm 5'5, 120, just going through a growth spurt, I've probably grown 3 inches and gained 15 pounds since late August. Dan.. I'll get back to you on MSN.. I don't really want to resort to a two-piece, I had a bad expierience with a Grip a while back but if it's what has to happen then I'll do it.

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if he's been using jr yzermans, i dunno if a senior yzerman or brendl is what he's looking for. my brother uses the jr yzerman, and it's a small mid curve like the rechhi, not the monster hook that the sr version is

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So I decided to get a Response + Int. Nash. I think it'll work out, but I'm not sure how much it cost... Anyone know? It was from Players Bench.

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