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Songs during games...

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Ever hear a song, and think, this would be useful during a game?During which part of the game? ie: Home Penalty: Somebody's Watching Me-MJ/BeatFreakz/Mysto&Pizzi

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I do the music for my LHS (local high school) and yes, I'm Always on the lookout for new material. Even when I'm watching a hockey game I'm listening to the background music more than the announcers. And when I go to away games, I take note of what they play.

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There's a much better version I have from a CD from the library, but the bonanza theme is an awesome instrumental I could see being used in a game:

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That'd be a good entrance song for a visiting team with a mascot of Cowboys, or Stallions, or something of the sort.

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That'd be a good entrance song for a visiting team with a mascot of Cowboys, or Stallions, or something of the sort.

I'd love to play a game with some old school organ tunes... thats nice!

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Not to turn this into songs not to be played, but my sons team/league mascot is the hounds, and every game they play "Who let the dogs out" when the kids step on the ice and probably a couple more times during the game. It makes my head ASPLODE.

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Yeah, There are Plenty I Refuse to play. That being top of the list. I try and stay away from songs that are Too Cliche too, like We Will Rock You, and Rock N Roll No 2..I'll whip em out on a Rare occasion, but very sparingly.

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My team is the Lumberjacks and every time we touch the ice for warmups this is played, I wanna bash my head in repeatedly till the song is over.

Replace the file on the computer with this:

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I think the ONLY acceptable place to hear Who Let The Dogs Out is at a sports event for a team with "dog" in their name. LOL! After every home goal in Hamilton...they play WLTDO.

A few other funny ones here:

When the refs come out for the 2nd/3rd...they play "Men in Black" by Will Smith.

When the Grand Rapids 'Griffins' are in town they play the Family Guy theme.

Visitor goal = "Even the Losers (Get Lucky Sometimes)" by Tom Petty

And, I've never understood this...but everytime there is an injury and trainers come out and there is a stoppage...they play "Butterfly" by Crazy Town. :huh:

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My team is the Lumberjacks and every time we touch the ice for warmups this is played, I wanna bash my head in repeatedly till the song is over.

Hard to believe people actually liked that song. Wow.

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My team is the Lumberjacks and every time we touch the ice for warmups this is played, I wanna bash my head in repeatedly till the song is over.

Hard to believe people actually liked that song. Wow.

It could be worse..at least it's not the Monty Python lumberjack song.

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