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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Runners

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My bet is he means t'blade runners. Morrow, you really should ask precise questions...

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...When the Sabres were in the Finals back in '99, everybody around here had shirts with "Jesus saves" on the front and "...But Satan scores on the rebound."

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...When the Sabres were in the Finals back in '99, everybody around here had shirts with "Jesus saves" on the front and "...But Satan scores on the rebound."

darn, and I thought I'd come up with something new... B)

Guess I'll turn back to funny GWB quotes, he produces tons of them...

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Well what else is called a "Runner" in hockey? Ya I mean T-blades.

You could have mean't it for TUUKS or something. I havn't seem them at any shop i've been in but they were being sold online not too long ago and my friend bought some.

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...When the Sabres were in the Finals back in '99, everybody around here had shirts with "Jesus saves" on the front and "...But Satan scores on the rebound."

darn, and I thought I'd come up with something new... B)

Yeah, the people around here thought they were pretty clever, too ;)

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Well what else is called a "Runner" in hockey? Ya I mean T-blades.

You could have mean't it for TUUKS or something. I havn't seem them at any shop i've been in but they were being sold online not too long ago and my friend bought some.

Oh ok thanks.

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